What does anak buah in Indonesian mean?

What is the meaning of the word anak buah in Indonesian? The article explains the full meaning, pronunciation along with bilingual examples and instructions on how to use anak buah in Indonesian.

The word anak buah in Indonesian means inferior, nephew. To learn more, please see the details below.

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Meaning of the word anak buah





Sepertinya ada sesuatu yang tak beres dirumah anak buahmu
It seems that something is wrong at home your nephew.

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Itu anak buah Khambatta, cepat foto dia!
That's Khambatta's flunky, shoot his picture.
Inilah sang kapten yang mempertaruhkan nyawa semua anak buahnya sehingga dia dapat mendengar lagu itu.
So this is a captain putting the life of every single person on the ship at risk so that he can hear a song.
mata-mata malam di saat dia tewas dan seseorang telah memberitahu anak buah Jones lokasi dari konvoi kami.
The night that he died, we were transporting a prisoner, and someone must have let Jones's men know the location of our convoy.
Anak buahku telah diserang
My people were attacked.
Anak buahku harus pantas bekerja di sini.
My guys have to earn their place.
Anak buahku juga berkata, kaulah yang membinasakan raja Darius di Marathon.
My men also say that it was you who slayed the good King Darius at Marathon.
Anak buah Savage.
Friends of Savage.
bagaimana kabarnya anak buahku dari Infanteri II?
How are my boys from Second Infantry doing?
Dan berapa banyak yang akan didapatkan Scofiled dan anak buahnya?
And how much of that payday Is Scofield and his crew earning?
Ia menerimanya dan meminta bantuan untuk mengatasi problem kemabukan dan perbuatan amoral yang dilakukan anak buahnya di kamp.
He accepted it and asked for help in dealing with the drunkenness and immorality of his men in the camp.
Banyak anak buah _ mu adalah orang kronis, ituh kata yg saya dapatkan.
A lot of your men are chronic misfits, that's the word I get.
Orang Harari yang putranya, Yonatan, adalah salah seorang anak buah Daud yang perkasa.
A Hararite whose son Jonathan was one of David’s mighty men.
Itu anak buah mereka.
These were their men.
Sherlock, Kakakmu dan semua anak buah Raja tak bisa memaksaku melakukan sesuatu yang tak kuinginkan.
Sherlock, your big brother and all the King's horses couldn't make me do a thing I didn't want to.
Tembak lalu lari, dua orang anak buahmu, dua orang anak buahku.
Shoot and scoot, two of yours, two of mine.
Untungnya, baik kau atau anak buahmu terlalu pintar.
Luckily, neither you nor your men are too smart.
Tarik anak buahmu.
Call off your men.
Kau mau membiarkan anak buahku memperbaiki firewall-mu.
You might wanna let my boys take a look at your firewall.
Orang Harod yang termasuk di antara 30 anak buah Daud yang perkasa.
One of David’s 30 mighty men; a Harodite.
Aku akan percya pda orang yg lbh mengenal Spartacus dan anak buahnya.
I would place trust in someone with greater knowledge of Spartacus and his horde.
Salah seorang anak buah Daud yang perkasa, yang hanya disebutkan di Tawarikh; orang Mezoba.—1Taw 11:26, 47.
One of the mighty men of David, listed only in Chronicles; a Mezobaite. —1Ch 11:26, 47.
Kami pernah menangkap anak buah Sam
We even busted Sam's man.
Semuanya adalah Kosher, seperti yang anak buahku katakan.
Everything is kosher, as my people say.
Kirim anak buahmu kesana.
Send your men there.
Yang kuingat, salah satu anak buahku mengetahuinya.
Guy one of my guys knew, as I remember.

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Do you know about Indonesian

Indonesian is the official language of Indonesia. Indonesian is a standard Malay language that was officially identified with the declaration of independence of Indonesia in 1945. Malay and Indonesian are still quite similar. Indonesia is the fourth most populous country in the world. The majority of Indonesians speak fluent Indonesian, with a rate of almost 100%, thus making it one of the most widely spoken languages in the world.