What does babi hutan in Indonesian mean?

What is the meaning of the word babi hutan in Indonesian? The article explains the full meaning, pronunciation along with bilingual examples and instructions on how to use babi hutan in Indonesian.

The word babi hutan in Indonesian means wild boar, boar, wild hog. To learn more, please see the details below.

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Meaning of the word babi hutan

wild boar

noun (Sus scrofa)

Dia tidak turun ke desa seperti beruang dan babi hutan.
He doesn't come down to the village like the wild boars and bears.


noun (wild boar)

Mereka akan mencium bau darah Nubianmu dan melumatmu seperti babi hutan.
They will smell your Nubian blood and stick you like a boar.

wild hog

noun (A mammal of the biological family Suidae (Sus scrofa, Linneo 1758), ancestor of the domestic pig)

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Dulu saya bisa dapatkan babi hutan ketika berburu di malam hari, sekarang sudah tidak lagi
It used to be easy to hunt wild boars at night. We can't find them now.
Banyak hewan liar seperti harimau, serigala, dan babi hutan yang disebutkan oleh penjelajah-penjelajah terdahulu kini telah hilang.
However, many wild animals, such as tiger, wolf and wild hog which had been found by former explorers, have now disappeared.
Hutan-hutannya dihuni oleh rusa besar, rusa roe, rubah, dan babi hutan liar.
The forests are home to moose, roe deer, foxes, and wild boars.
Pada kedua, tiga babi hutan merah keluar dari laut, dan melakukan hal yang sama.
In the second, three red boars came out of the sea, and did the same.
Mereka akan mencium bau darah Nubianmu dan melumatmu seperti babi hutan.
They will smell your Nubian blood and stick you like a boar.
Mereka memasak menggunakan oven tanah dan bertahan dengan bahan pokok ubi jalar dan babi hutan
People cook using outdoor ground ovens and survive on a staple diet of sweet potatoes and wild pig.
Kemudian dia merubah satu dari mereka menjadi badak dan satunya lagi jadi babi hutan.
And then he turned one of them into a rhinoceros and the other one into a warthog.
Monyet dan babi hutan sepertinya telah meninggalkan hutan
The monkeys and wild boar seem to have abandoned this part of thejungle
membawa biji buah belum dicernakan dari percobaan baru dalam perut mereka, mereka inadvertentIy heIped babi hutan yang soIomons '
Carrying undigested fruit seeds from New Guinea in their stomachs, they inadvertently helped sow the Solomons ' rainforests
Dia sendiri yang membunuh semua babi hutannya.
Single-handedly he killed a sounder of boars!
Mereka mengirim anjing lakukan sebagai babi hutan
They sent dogs, just as you do at a mistreþ
Sudah cukup berburu babi hutan.
It's quite the show of force for a pig hunt.
Babi hutan juga menggandrungi kacang makadamia.”
Wild pigs also love macadamia nuts.”
Kita harus memburu monyet dan babi hutan
We should hunt monkeys or wild pigs
Aku menangkap babi hutan.
I caught the boar.
Pasangan tersebut memiliki seorang putra, Santo Imre, yang meninggal pada tanggal 2 September 1031, ketika berburu babi hutan.
The couple had a son, Saint Emeric, who died on 2 September 1031, while hunting boar.
Ini adalah babi hutan yang bagus lu sampai di sana.
It's a nice boar you got there.
Jadi, babi hutan itu berubah menjadi monster...
So the boar became a monster...
Hijau melambangkan kekayaan pulau, merah menandakan darah babi hutan dan warganya, dan hitam untuk rakyat ni-Vanuatu.
The green represents the richness of the islands, the red symbolises the blood of wild boars and men, and the black the ni-Vanuatu people.
Ada babi hutan di dalam truk-ku!
There was a razorback in my truck!
Yang kami makan sekarang adalah daging kelinci atau babi hutan jika beruntung.
Our meat now is rabbit or wild pig on a lucky day.
Kau babi hutan.
You're a warthog.
Kemungkinan ini termasuk singa, kuda nil, serigala, dan babi hutan.
These likely included the lion, the hippopotamus, the wolf, and the wild boar.
Hanya babi hutan.
It's a boar.
Babi-babi hutan gampang terkontaminasi karena mereka gemar makan ”jamur yang sangat mudah menyerap zat radioaktif”, jelas Spiegel.
Boars are susceptible to such contamination because of their taste for “mushrooms and truffles, which are particularly efficient at absorbing radioactivity,” explains Spiegel.

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Do you know about Indonesian

Indonesian is the official language of Indonesia. Indonesian is a standard Malay language that was officially identified with the declaration of independence of Indonesia in 1945. Malay and Indonesian are still quite similar. Indonesia is the fourth most populous country in the world. The majority of Indonesians speak fluent Indonesian, with a rate of almost 100%, thus making it one of the most widely spoken languages in the world.