What does 公海 in Chinese mean?

What is the meaning of the word 公海 in Chinese? The article explains the full meaning, pronunciation along with bilingual examples and instructions on how to use 公海 in Chinese.

The word 公海 in Chinese means high seas, international waters, high sea. To learn more, please see the details below.

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Meaning of the word 公海

high seas

noun (regions of ocean far from shore)

Attention was drawn to the guidelines of the High Seas Task Force on flag State performance with respect to high-seas fishing vessels.

international waters

noun (water outside of national jurisdiction)

還有 一艘船 今天 要 進國際 公海
There's one more ship going into international waters today.

high sea


Attention was drawn to the guidelines of the High Seas Task Force on flag State performance with respect to high-seas fishing vessels.

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Australia stated that it was developing a formal high seas fishing policy to guide decisions on granting permits and setting conditions.
同样重要的是,要承认和强调《联合国海洋法公约》的重要性。 它仍然是处理公海、包括专属经济区海盗问题的框架。
It is also important to acknowledge and emphasize the importance of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea, which remains the framework for dealing with piracy on the high seas, including the exclusive economic zone.
Also ships suspected of committing illegal acts on the high seas or in the EEZ of a coastal State can attempt to escape enforcement by entering the territorial sea of a State without the capacity to enforce
There are cases of names for parts of the open seas or international waters that are contested by two or more nations (which names cannot, senso stricto, be defined formally as either endonyms or exonyms, as explained in the present paper
It concurred that the timely establishment of a multilateral agreement would provide the necessary long-term mechanism to ensure the sustainability of fish stocks in the high seas of the South-West Atlantic.
Japan will further promote the management of high-seas bottom fishing by mobilizing support for the earliest entry into force of those arrangements in cooperation with other parties and related organizations.
Encourages States fishing for straddling fish stocks and highly migratory fish stocks on the high seas, and relevant coastal States, where a subregional or regional fisheries management organization or arrangement has the competence to establish conservation and management measures for such stocks, to give effect to their duty to cooperate by becoming members of such an organization or participants in such an arrangement, or by agreeing to apply the conservation and management measures established by such an organization or arrangement;
The United States is also pleased that the draft resolution contains a renewed emphasis on implementing and enforcing the moratorium on large-scale high-seas drift nets and the critical need for science-based conservation and management measures, including protecting and conserving fish stocks during critical life stages.
Articles 118 and 119 establish the general obligation of all States to cooperate in the conservation and management of living resources in the high seas, applying criteria similar to those in articles 61 (3) and 61 (4), on interdependent and associated stocks.
Such prohibitions apply irrespective of whether the fish has been caught in an area under the jurisdiction of a particular State or on the high seas
Among the most important of those are freedom of the high seas, the right of transit passage through straits used for international shipping, the right of innocent passage, the right to fish on the high seas and others
若干发达国家和发展中国家的渔业部长提出了富有创意的举措,打算成立公海捕捞问题工作队,寻找能够对非法、无管制和未报告的捕捞产生相当影响的实际措施。 我们期待在这方面取得成果。
We can also look forward to the outcomes of the novel initiative taken by a group of fisheries ministers from developed and developing countries to establish a ministerial task force on high-seas fishing to try to identify practical measures that will have a measurable impact on the problems of IUU fishing
It is obvious that the use of weapons against civilians and stopping ships on the high seas without justification is a gross violation of the norms of international law.
It is our hope that, sooner rather than later, that effort will result in an appropriate, globally integrated management regime ensuring the continual conservation as well as equitable and sustainable utilization of high-seas biological and genetic resources
海洋地区及其资源的保护与养护是突尼斯经常关切的一个问题。 突尼斯是一个发展中沿海国家,其领水与公海毗邻。
The protection and preservation of the marine area and its resources is a source of constant concern for Tunisia, which is a developing coastal country whose territorial waters are adjacent to the high seas.
The Fish Stocks Agreement is fulfilling its promises of orderly high seas governance for straddling and highly migratory stocks and is the universal Agreement it was always intended to be
High-seas freedoms constitute one of the most basic rights under the international law of the sea, including customary international law.
The States members of the Rio Group note with concern how indiscriminate fishing activities on the high seas affect adjacent jurisdictional zones, given that they deplete the natural resources in the zone and hinder conservation efforts.
The European Union welcomes the strong endorsement given by the international community to the Kobe process to improve and streamline international management of high-seas tuna fisheries at the meeting which took place in San Sebastián, Spain, in July 2009.
A ship was subjected to the threat of force by gunboats and forced to go in a specific direction on the high seas in international waters
时,一艘以色列炮舰在Ras Naqoura岸外的黎巴嫩领海,朝公海发射一枚夷光弹,并在 # 时 # 分至 # 时 # 分之间,用中型机枪朝公海连发射击。
At # hours, an Israeli gunboat in Lebanese territorial waters off R'as Naqoura fired a flare shell and between # and # hours fired several bursts of medium machine-gun fire on the open sea
We welcome the adoption in Rome last August of the International Guidelines for the Management of Deep-sea Fisheries in the High Seas, as requested in paragraph 89 of General Assembly resolution 61/105.
The Convention on the Law of the Sea established the principle of cooperation and preservation with regard to high-sea areas of particular interest to coastal States
Welcomes the recent signatures and ratification of the Convention on the Conservation and Management of High Seas Fisheries Resources in the North Pacific Ocean, and encourages further ratifications, accessions, acceptances and approvals of that Convention;
No less important if we are to establish peaceful, sustainable economic activities on the high seas is tackling the problem of how we are to preserve the marine environment while managing and protecting our marine resources.

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Do you know about Chinese

Chinese is a group of languages forming a language family in the Sino-Tibetan language family. Chinese is the mother tongue of the Han people, the majority in China and the main or secondary language of the ethnic minorities here. Nearly 1.2 billion people (about 16% of the world's population) have some variant of Chinese as their mother tongue. With the growing importance and influence of China's economy globally, teaching Chinese is increasingly popular in American schools and has become a well-known topic among young people around the world. Western world, as in Great Britain.