What does gorden in Indonesian mean?
What is the meaning of the word gorden in Indonesian? The article explains the full meaning, pronunciation along with bilingual examples and instructions on how to use gorden in Indonesian.
The word gorden in Indonesian means curtain, drape, tent. To learn more, please see the details below.
Meaning of the word gorden
curtainnoun (piece of cloth covering a window) Ayahku pernah berlari sambil mengutuk dan melemparkan lilin ke gorden. He once ran through here cursing and throwing candles at the curtains. |
drapenoun Lantai ubin lebih baik daripada karpet, dan kere lebih dianjurkan daripada gorden. Hardwood floors are better than rugs or carpets, and venetian blinds than drapes. |
tentnoun |
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Kami punya kereta kuda dengan jendela bergorden, maka bagaimanapun cuacanya, kami dapat pergi ke gereja pada hari Minggu pagi. We had a horse-drawn carriage with curtains at the windows, so that regardless of the weather, we could attend church Sunday morning. |
Misalnya, di pagi yang cerah seperti ini, tidak aneh jika ada yang bilang, ”Buka gorden supaya matahari masuk”, bukan? For example, on this bright morning, it wouldn’t be unusual for someone to say, “Open the curtains, and let the sun in,” would it? |
Kita harus membuka semua gorden. We have to open all the curtains. |
Juga, bergantung di bawah beberapa langit-langit yang miring, ”gorden” bergelombang ini membuat beberapa ruang gua jadi mirip dengan teater. Also, hanging below some sloping ceilings, wavy “draperies” enhance the theaterlike appearance of some cavern rooms. |
Setelah khotbah itu, Ladislav dengan penasaran menengok ke belakang gorden panggung dan melihat sang imam membuka jubahnya. After the sermon, Ladislav looked inquisitively behind the curtain of the stage and saw the priest take off his priestly robe. |
Anna waktu itu berada di ujung ruangan terjauh dan berhenti di sana mempermainkan gorden jendela. During this time Anna was at the far end of the room and had stopped there, doing something with the window’s curtain. |
Mereka yang menurunkan gordennya. They took the curtains down. |
Kami hanya membuat gorden untuk kalian. We tat the lace for your fucking curtains. |
Aku akan buka gorden depan supaya kau bisa melihatnya. I'll roll up the front shade, so you can see right in. |
Pada tahun 1983, dia bersama istrinya, Vivian, pindah ke New York City, menerima pekerjaan sampingan seperti merangkai gorden untuk mencukupi kebutuhan keluarganya. In 1983, he and his wife, Vivian, moved to New York City, where he took odd jobs like installing drapery to support his family. |
Jangan sentuh gordennya. Don't touch the curtains. |
Apa gordenmu terbuka sebelum sampai klimaks? Do your curtains fall, before the big climax? |
Tempat suci ini adalah Kaabah, sebuah bangunan berbentuk kubus yang biasanya ditutup dengan sebuah gorden besar terbuat dari kain brokat hitam dan berisi Batu Hitam suci. This shrine is the Kaaba, a cube- shaped structure normally covered by a large curtain of black brocade and containing the sacred Black Stone. |
Seorang wanita beruban berdiri di balik gorden dan bertanya tentang apa yang mereka inginkan. A gray-haired woman stood inside the screen and asked what they wanted. |
Atau gorden Anda. Or your drapes. |
Tahu siapa yang mengambil semua gorden? Did you know someone's taken all the curtains? |
Kami pikir ia pakai terpal atau gorden plastik. We think he maybe used tarps or plastic sheeting. |
Gorden, orang tua. Drapes, old man. |
Privasi: Seorang wanita mengenang, ”Setelah Ibu meninggal, hanya kamar tidur ayah saja yang jendelanya bergorden dan pintunya bisa dikunci. Privacy: One woman recalls: “After Mom died, my father was the only one in the house who had curtains on his windows or a door into his bedroom. |
dan suruh Sopir Gerry untuk menutup gordennya, kau bisa? And ask Gerry's drivers to close the curtains, will you? |
Aku sudah menutup teralisnya, gordennya, pintu belakang dikunci ganda. I got the blinds down, curtains drawn, backdoor double-locked. |
Ayahku pernah berlari sambil mengutuk dan melemparkan lilin ke gorden. He once ran through here cursing and throwing candles at the curtains. |
Bachet bersembunyi di kolong tempat tidur Ramidin, sementara anak-anak bersembunyi di belakang gorden. Bachet found a hiding place under Ramidin's bed, while the children hid behind the curtain. |
Pemeriksaan pemeliharaan berat adalah waktunya juga untuk memasang dinding baru dan panel pada langit-langit kabin serta mengganti karpet, gorden, dan pelapis bantalan tempat duduk. A heavy maintenance check is also the time to install new cabin walls and ceiling panels as well as to replace carpets, curtains, and seat cushion covers. |
Sewaktu hendak pergi, mereka menganjurkan para utusan injil agar membongkar-balikkan rumah itu, tarik gorden-gordennya, kosongkan laci-laci, sebarkan barang-barang di lantai, sehingga memberi kesan bahwa rumah itu sudah dirampok. Upon leaving, they advised the missionaries to put the whole house into disarray, pulling down curtains, emptying drawers, scattering things on the floor, thus giving the impression that the house had already been looted. |
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Do you know about Indonesian
Indonesian is the official language of Indonesia. Indonesian is a standard Malay language that was officially identified with the declaration of independence of Indonesia in 1945. Malay and Indonesian are still quite similar. Indonesia is the fourth most populous country in the world. The majority of Indonesians speak fluent Indonesian, with a rate of almost 100%, thus making it one of the most widely spoken languages in the world.