What does kabur in Indonesian mean?

What is the meaning of the word kabur in Indonesian? The article explains the full meaning, pronunciation along with bilingual examples and instructions on how to use kabur in Indonesian.

The word kabur in Indonesian means ambiguous, obscure, blur. To learn more, please see the details below.

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Meaning of the word kabur


adjective (open to multiple interpretations)



Semua permukaan reflektif di dalam dan sekitar lab kau ditutupi atau dikaburkan.
Virtually every reflective surface in and around your lab has been covered or obscured by you.


verbnoun (An effect applied to a graphical object that typically reduces the difference between the outline of the object and the graphical area next to it.)

Dalam banyak keluarga dewasa ini, peranan semacam itu kabur atau kacau.
In many families today, such roles are blurred or confused.

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Tak pernah ada yang kabur dari Alcatraz.
No one has ever escaped from Alcatraz.
Hakim menolak banding Thompson karena dia rawan kabur.
A judge denied Thompson bail as he is considered to be a high flight risk.
Pasangan ini konon bertemu di bilik pengakuan King's Chapel dan berencana kabur bersama-sama.
The couple are said to have met in the confessional of the King's Chapel where they hatched plans for their escape.
Desa ini dibangun oleh penyihir abad pertengahan Hengist of Woodcroft yang kabur ke Skotlandia guna menghindari penyiksaan Muggle terhadap para penyihir di Northumberland.
It was founded by medieval wizard Hengist of Woodcroft who fled to Scotland to escape Muggle persecution of wizards in Northumberland.
Jangan mengucapkan rentetan kata secara cepat sehingga maknanya menjadi kabur bagi pendengar Saudara.
Do not slur expressions or run words together in such a way as to make the meaning uncertain to your hearers.
Orang sama yang hampir kabur dengan mobil curian tapi dia menabrak seorang wanita di Bisbee.
Same guy who almost got away with a stolen car but he ran a woman down in Bisbee.
Saat Anda sadari, tikus itu seperti melihat sekeliling, "Di manakah aku?" -- lalu berjalan lurus saja ke lubang itu dan kabur.
And as you noticed, it almost looks around, "Where am I?" -- and then walks straight to that hole and escapes.
Tapi dia tidak bisa mengentikan kami, tidak bisa menghentikan yg mau kabur.
But he can't break us, and he can't stop us trying to escape.
mungkin saja kami kabur dari UMPTN.
Or maybe we're just running from college exams.
Apa kamu benar- benar akan kabur seperti ini?
Are you really going to run away like this?
Dia kabur.
He's gone.
Waktu kita kabur, aku melihat ruangan itu.
When we were escaping, I saw this room.
Kau yang kabur.
You did
Tapi mereka sudah pada kabur.
But they're running away.
Mereka kabur.
They're on the run.
Ia kemudian kabur.
Then he ran away.
Dia kabur, Sersan.
There he goes, Sarge!
Jangan biarkan dia kabur!
Don't let him get away!
Apakah Anda sakit semua orang-orang bertopeng kabur jalan masuk dan keluar tanpa banyak sebagai hello atau selamat tinggal?
Are you sick of all those masked men blurring their way in and out without so much as a hello or goodbye?
Bagaimana kamu bisa kabur dari penjara, dan bagaimana kamu bisa berganti baju?
How did you get out of jail, and how did you get a change of clothes?
Dia kabur.
She escaped.
Termakan oleh balas dendam, Baron berjanji untuk menghancurkan Carmilla dan kabur dari desa.
Consumed with vengeance, the baron pledged to destroy Carmilla and flee the village.
Menurutmu kau bisa kabur kalau aku berniat membunuhmu.
You think you could've escaped if I wanted to kill you?
Mungkin saja aku benar-benar kabur dan kemari untuk membunuhmu.
I might escape in earnest and come to kill you.
”Mulanya, sejarah imperium Asyur merupakan salah satu pasal yang paling kabur dalam sejarah dunia.”
“Formerly the history of the Assyrian empire was one of the most obscure chapters in the world’s annals.”

Let's learn Indonesian

So now that you know more about the meaning of kabur in Indonesian, you can learn how to use them through selected examples and how to read them. And remember to learn the related words that we suggest. Our website is constantly updating with new words and new examples so you can look up the meanings of other words you don't know in Indonesian.

Do you know about Indonesian

Indonesian is the official language of Indonesia. Indonesian is a standard Malay language that was officially identified with the declaration of independence of Indonesia in 1945. Malay and Indonesian are still quite similar. Indonesia is the fourth most populous country in the world. The majority of Indonesians speak fluent Indonesian, with a rate of almost 100%, thus making it one of the most widely spoken languages in the world.