What does korek api in Indonesian mean?
What is the meaning of the word korek api in Indonesian? The article explains the full meaning, pronunciation along with bilingual examples and instructions on how to use korek api in Indonesian.
The word korek api in Indonesian means match, friction match, matches, match. To learn more, please see the details below.
Meaning of the word korek api
matchnoun (device to make fire) Dia seperti pemain api di dalam kamar penuh korek api. She's like a pyro in a room full of matches. |
friction matchnoun (A stick with inflammable substance on one end that can be set on fire by friction.) |
matchesverb noun Dia seperti pemain api di dalam kamar penuh korek api. She's like a pyro in a room full of matches. |
matchverb noun (device for lighting fires) Korek api itu di dalam kotak dengan makanan. The matches were in the box with the food. |
See more examples
Korek api mungkin berguna untuk hal lain. A lighter might come in handy for other things. |
Aku akan menghidupkan korek api lalu menuju ke arahmu I'm going to turn the lighter on then come to you. |
Scott, korek apimu. Scott, your lighter. |
Yang harus kamu lakukan hanyalah menyalakan korek api All you have to do is light a match. |
Saya pikir Anda menemukan rokok dan korek api belakang rumah. I thought you found a cigarette and a match behind the house. |
Jangan bermai-main korek api ketika kau marah. Never do that when you're angry. |
Ayo kita gunakan korek api saja. Let's just use the matches. |
Buku ini bisa dimuat dalam kotak korek api dan diselundupkan ke dalam kamp konsentrasi This fit in a matchbox and was smuggled into a concentration camp |
Kau ounya korek api? Do you have matches? |
Beri Aku korek apimu. Give me your lighter. |
Kristal meth dibuat dari obat yang dingin, alkali, dan pemogokan bantalan dari kotak korek api Crystal meth is made from cold medicine, lye, and the strike pads from matchbooks |
Dia seperti pemain api di dalam kamar penuh korek api. She's like a pyro in a room full of matches. |
Korek api selanjutnya akan mendarat padamu. The next match is landing on you. |
Tabung yang baru sangat kecil dan dalam aneka ukuran sebesar kepala korek api. The new tubes are tiny and come in arrays about the size of a match head. |
Bisakah aku kesulitan Anda untuk kotak korek api? Could I trouble you for a matchbook? |
Apa kau punya korek api? Do you have a light? |
Apa kau punya korek api? Have you got a lighter? |
Kita bisa-bisa mengirim Potter ke rumah sakit dalam kotak korek api. We'll be sending Potter to the hospital wing in a matchbox. |
Kau membicarakan manusia korek api? You're talking a human match? |
Wajah nyonya rumah tampak bingung seraya ia masuk dan keluar membawa sekotak korek api. The householder had a strange look on her face as she left and brought back a box of matches. |
Wah, nyalakan korek api dan tahan rambutku. Well, light a match and hold my hair back. |
Aku suka korek api ini karena aku tahu itu selalu akan bekerja. I love this lighter cause I know it's always gonna work. |
Ingat The Little Match Girl?' Gadis Penjual Korek Api ' Remember The Little Match Girl? |
Mencari korek api? Looking for a light? |
Korek api itu di dalam kotak dengan makanan. The matches were in the box with the food. |
Let's learn Indonesian
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Do you know about Indonesian
Indonesian is the official language of Indonesia. Indonesian is a standard Malay language that was officially identified with the declaration of independence of Indonesia in 1945. Malay and Indonesian are still quite similar. Indonesia is the fourth most populous country in the world. The majority of Indonesians speak fluent Indonesian, with a rate of almost 100%, thus making it one of the most widely spoken languages in the world.