What does perhatian in Indonesian mean?

What is the meaning of the word perhatian in Indonesian? The article explains the full meaning, pronunciation along with bilingual examples and instructions on how to use perhatian in Indonesian.

The word perhatian in Indonesian means attention, notice, caution. To learn more, please see the details below.

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Meaning of the word perhatian


noun (Text that alerts a user to a note or a warning.)

Kau harus lebih memperhatikan apa yang dia katakan.
You should pay more attention to what he says.



Mary berpikir kalau semua orang selalu memperhatikan apapun yang ia lakukan.
Mary thinks that everyone always notices everything she does.



Apa yang perlu diwaspadai sewaktu memeriksa hal-hal yang keluar dari hati kita?
What caution is warranted when reflecting on what comes out of our heart?

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anak baik hati itu dijebak, dia pasti menderita.
That good-hearted kid being framed, he must be suffering so much.
• Bagaimana kita dapat memperlihatkan perhatian yang lembut terhadap rekan-rekan seiman yang lansia?
• How can we show tender regard for aging fellow worshippers?
Aku tidak percaya gadis-gadis ini tidak lebih berhati-hati.
I can't believe these girls aren't mor e careful.
Suami beriman yang senantiasa mengasihi istrinya, baik dalam masa senang maupun susah, membuktikan bahwa ia benar-benar mengikuti teladan Yesus yang mengasihi dan memperhatikan sidang.
Believing husbands who continue to love their wives, whether in favorable or in trying times, demonstrate that they closely follow Christ’s example of loving the congregation and caring for it.
Perumpamaan tentang orang Samaria yang baik hati mengajari kita bahwa kita hendaknya memberi mereka yang membutuhkan, terlepas apakah mereka teman kita atau bukan (lihat Lukas 10:30–37; lihat juga James E.
The parable of the good Samaritan teaches us that we should give to those in need, regardless of whether they are our friends or not (see Luke 10:30–37; see also James E.
Buku A Parent’s Guide to the Teen Years menulis, ”Bahaya lainnya, mereka bisa menarik perhatian anak laki-laki yang lebih tua yang biasanya lebih berpengalaman secara seksual.”
“They’re also at risk of attracting the attention of older boys who are more apt to be sexually experienced,” says the book A Parent’s Guide to the Teen Years.
Pada zaman Yesus dan murid-muridnya, berita itu melegakan orang-orang Yahudi yang patah hati karena kefasikan di Israel dan yang merana karena ditawan tradisi-tradisi agama palsu dari Yudaisme pada abad pertama.
In the days of Jesus and his disciples, it brought relief to Jews who were brokenhearted because of the wickedness in Israel and were languishing in captivity to the false religious traditions of first-century Judaism.
Yesus berkata bahwa orang ”murni suci hatinya” akan ”melihat Allah.”
Jesus said that “the pure in heart” would “see God.”
Setiap hari Minggu, ketika kita mengambil sakramen, apa yang terjadi di dalam hati kita ketika kita mendengar kalimat untuk “selalu mengingat Dia?”
Each Sunday when we partake of the sacrament, what happens in our hearts when we hear those words to “always remember him”?
Dalam bulan Nopember 1973 Menara Pengawal menerbitkan sejumlah artikel mengenai hati nurani manusia dengan peranannya sebagai ”pemberi kesaksian”.
In September 1972, The Watchtower published a number of articles on the human conscience in its role as “witness-bearer.”
Kenali para guru anak-anak Anda, dan biarkan mereka mengetahui perhatian Anda terhadap anak Anda dan minat Anda terhadap sekolahnya.
Know your children’s teachers, and let them know of your concern for your child and of your interest in his or her schooling.
6 Sifat lain yang menonjol yang mencirikan seorang pria Allah ialah kemurahan hatinya.
6 Another outstanding quality marking a man of God is his generosity.
Hati bisa sembuh.” —Marcia.
The heart does heal.” —Marcia.
Keibaan hati seorang ibu bahkan memotivasinya untuk mengurangi jatah makanannya sendiri agar anak-anaknya tidak sampai kelaparan.
A mother’s compassion may even motivate her to eat less herself so that her children do not go without food.
Bagaimana firman Allah menyingkapkan ”pikiran dan niat hati”?
How does God’s word reveal the “thoughts and intentions of the heart”?
Yang harus kalian perhatikan adalah pertanyaan yang akan kutanyakan padamu.
What you need to worry about is this question that I'm about to ask you:
Ini tidak menarik perhatianku?
It doesn't concern me?
Selama penampilan mereka, suara hatinya memberitahunya untuk pergi ke lobi setelah program usai dan seorang pria mengenakan jas biru akan memberitahunya apa yang harus dilakukan.
During their performance, an inner voice told him to go into the lobby after the program and a man in a blue blazer would tell him what to do.
Perhatikan bahwa opsi ini hanya tersedia dalam format pertanyaan "Jawaban Tunggal" dan "Banyak Jawaban".
Please note that it's only available in “Single Answer” and “Multiple-answers” question formats.
Harry perhatikan makhluk itu.
Harry check that guy out.
Doa Kornelius yang sepenuh hati membuatnya dikunjungi rasul Petrus
Cornelius’ heartfelt prayer led to his receiving a visit from the apostle Peter
12-14. (a) Bagaimana Yesus memperlihatkan kerendahan hati sewaktu orang-orang memuji dia?
12-14. (a) How did Jesus show humility when people praised him?
22 Tirulah Iman Mereka —Ia Menarik ”Kesimpulan dalam Hatinya
22 Imitate Their Faith —She Drew “Conclusions in Her Heart”
Bukankah itu cara terbaik untuk menarik perhatian mereka?
What better way to get their attention?
Percayalah " Ketulusan Hati-ku "...
Should I show you my heart?

Let's learn Indonesian

So now that you know more about the meaning of perhatian in Indonesian, you can learn how to use them through selected examples and how to read them. And remember to learn the related words that we suggest. Our website is constantly updating with new words and new examples so you can look up the meanings of other words you don't know in Indonesian.

Do you know about Indonesian

Indonesian is the official language of Indonesia. Indonesian is a standard Malay language that was officially identified with the declaration of independence of Indonesia in 1945. Malay and Indonesian are still quite similar. Indonesia is the fourth most populous country in the world. The majority of Indonesians speak fluent Indonesian, with a rate of almost 100%, thus making it one of the most widely spoken languages in the world.