What does prestisius in Indonesian mean?

What is the meaning of the word prestisius in Indonesian? The article explains the full meaning, pronunciation along with bilingual examples and instructions on how to use prestisius in Indonesian.

The word prestisius in Indonesian means prestigious. To learn more, please see the details below.

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Meaning of the word prestisius


adjective (of high prestige)

Itu urusan penting bagi komunitas ini, sangat prestisius.
It's a big deal in this community, very prestigious.

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Alur ceritanya melanjutkan kisah Soma Yukihira di Akademi Kuliner Totsuki yang prestisius ketika dirinya dan teman-temannya berkompetisi pada Pemilihan Musim Gugur, diikuti oleh stagiaire (magang tanpa dibayar di berbagai restoran).
The story continues Soma Yukihira's journey at the prestigious Totsuki Culinary Academy as he and his classmates complete in the Autumn Elections, followed by their stagiaire (unpaid internships at different restaurants).
Pada 2005, Nes terpilih sebagai artis menakjubkan dari Yayasan Kesempurnaan Kebudayaan Israel yang prestisius.
In 2005 Nes was chosen as an outstanding artist of the prestigious Israel Cultural Excellence Foundation.
Penghargaan Dadasaheb Phalke, yang merupakan sebuah penghargaan untuk seseorang atas jasa-jasa seumur hidupnya dalam bidang sinema, dibuat untuk menghormatinya, oleh Pemerintah India pada 1969, dan merupakan penghargaan paling prestisius dan disorot dalam sinema India.
The Dadasaheb Phalke Award, for lifetime contribution to cinema, was instituted in his honour by the Government of India in 1969, and is the country's most prestigious and coveted film award.
Setelah kemenangannya yang prestisius dan berpengaruh dalam perang Persia, Galerius mungkin berharap untuk mengimbangi penghinaan sebelumnya di Antiokhia, ketika Diokletianus memaksanya untuk berjalan kaki di depan karavan kekaisaran, bukan berada di dalamnya.
Newly prestigious and influential after his victories in the Persian war, Galerius might have wished to compensate for a previous humiliation at Antioch, when Diocletian had forced him to walk at the front of the imperial caravan, rather than inside it.
Bertempat tinggal di Shuri dipandang sebagai suatu hal yang prestisius hingga awal abad ke-20..
Residence at Shuri was prestigious into the 20th century.
Penghargaan-penghargaan Nobel dalam disiplin ilmu spesifik dan Penghargaan Ekonomi, yang umum diidentifikasikan dengan mereka, banyak dianggap sebagai penghargaan paling prestisius yang dapat diraih dalam bidang-bidang tersebut.
The Nobel Prizes in the above specific sciences disciplines and the Prize in Economics, which is commonly identified with them, are widely regarded as the most prestigious award one can receive in those fields.
Ia menampilkan pelayanan militernya di program bahasa Rusia prestisius Pasukan Bersenjata Norwegia.
He performed his military service at the prestigious Russian language program of the Norwegian Armed Forces.
Beberapa penghargaan telah diraih Anggun atas pencapaiannya, termasuk di antaranya anugerah prestisius "Chevalier des Arts et Lettres" dari pemerintah Prancis dan "World's Best Selling Indonesian Artist" dari World Music Awards sebagai artis Indonesia dengan penjualan album tertinggi di seluruh dunia.
She has received a number of accolades for her achievements, including the Chevalier des Arts et Lettres from the Government of France and the World Music Award for World's Best-Selling Indonesian Artist.
Doktrin tersebut umumnya disangkal oleh agama Kristen, yang memegang doktrin keselamatan khusus yang hanya beberapa anggota umat manusia yang kemudian akan masuk surga, namun doktrin tersebut meraih dukungan dari beberapa pemilik Kristen prestisius serta beberapa kelompok Kristen.
The doctrine has generally been rejected by Christian religion, which holds to the doctrine of special salvation that only some members of humanity will eventually enter heaven, but it has received support from many prestigious Christian thinkers as well as many groups of Christians.
Pada bulan Juni 2004 dia mengambil bagian dari Pawai Puteri, sebuah pawai prestisius mobil klasik, dari Paris sampai Monaco.
In June 2004 she took part in the Rally of the Princesses, prestigious rally of classic cars, rallying from Paris to Monaco.
Pada 2008, serangakaian sepuluh serangan terencana oleh para teroris bersenjata selama tiga hari mengakibatkan 173 orang tewas, 308 orang luka-luka, dan beberapa markah tanah warisan dan hotel-hotel prestisius rusak parah.
In 2008, a series of ten coordinated attacks by armed terrorists for three days resulted in 173 deaths, 308 injuries, and severe damage to several heritage landmarks and prestigious hotels.
Sebuah pilihan yang mengangkat nama Paris–Roubaix dari bayang-bayang dan mendorongnya, dalam hal ketertarikan, di luar Bordeaux–Paris yang lebih prestisius.
An option which lifted Paris–Roubaix out of the background and pushed it, in terms of interest, ahead of the prestigious Bordeaux–Paris.
Pada musim 2015–2016, dia mendapatkan baju bernomor 10 yang prestisius setelah kepergian Carlos Tevez, yang pernah dikenakan oleh Alessandro Del Piero, Roberto Baggio, dan Michel Platini.
For the 2015–16 season, he was awarded the prestigious number-10 shirt, following Carlos Tevez's departure, which had previously been worn by Alessandro Del Piero, Roberto Baggio and Michel Platini.
Dan aku akan lebih mempertimbangkan saran dari kampus lebih prestisius.
And I would consider getting a referral from a more prestigious college.
Ia lahir dalam keluarga Jumblatt Kurdi yang prestisius, yang merupakan pemimpin tradisional komunitas Druze Lebanon.
He was born into the prestigious Kurdish Jumblatt family, who were traditional leaders of the Lebanese Druze community.
Pada 1941, Akademi Sastra Brasil membentuk Prêmio Machado de Assis (Penghargaan Machado de Assis), sebuah penghargaan sastra paling prestisius di Brasil.
In 1941, the Brazilian Academy of Letters founded in his honor the Prêmio Machado de Assis (Machado de Assis Award), the most prestigious literary award in Brazil.
UMT merupakan salah satu universitas paling prestisius di Tiongkok dalam hal etnologi, antropologi, ekonomi etnis, ekonomi regional, pembelajaran agama, sejarah, tari, dan seni rupa murni.
MUC is one of the most prestigious universities in China in ethnology, anthropology, ethnic economies, regional economics, religion studies, history, dance, and fine arts.
Proyek prestisius lainnya meliputi Grande Arche di La Défense Paris (bersama Johann Otto von Spreckelsen) dan pusat pertunjukan seni baru dekat Alun-Alun Tiananmen, Beijing,yang diresmikan tanggal 22 Desember 2007..
Andreu's other projects included the Grande Arche at La Défense in Paris (as associate of Johann Otto von Spreckelsen) and the National Grand Theater of China enclosed in a titanium and glass shell near Beijing's Tiananmen Square which was inaugurated on 22 December 2007.
Sydney adalah rumah bagi sejumlah universitas, institusi teknik dan sekolah paling prestisius di Australia.
Sydney is home to some of Australia's most prestigious universities, technical institutions and schools.
Dianggap perhimpunan kehormatan paling prestisius di negara tersebut, Phi Beta Kappa memiliki tujuan mempromodikan dan mengadvokasikan kesempurnaan dalam ilmu pengetahuan dan seni rupa liberal dan menginduksikan sebagian besar pelajar menonjol pada bidang seni dan ilmu pengetahuan di berbagai kolese dan universitas Amerika.
Widely considered to be the nation's most prestigious honor society, Phi Beta Kappa aims to promote and advocate excellence in the liberal arts and sciences and to induct the most outstanding students of arts and sciences at American colleges and universities.
New York merupakan destinasi terjauh dan paling prestisius, dan berusaha tetap dipertahankan operasinya meskipun kerugian finansial besar dalam tiap penerbangannya untuk mempertahankan jatah mendarat di dalam AS, yang jika dihentikan, akan sulit untuk mendapatkannya kembali.
New York was Biman's farthest and most prestigious destination, and was kept operational despite heavy financial losses to maintain a landing slot in the US which, if cancelled, could be difficult to regain.
Dua koran yang disebutkan terakhir dua tahun berturut-turut (2012 dan 2013) memenangkan penghargaan prestisius sebagai koran terbaik di seluruh Eropa dalam ajang Penghargaan Koran Eropa.
The latter two newspaper won in consecutive years (2012, 2013) the prestigious award for being the best nationwide newspaper in Europe at the European Newspaper Award.
Dideskripsikan oleh Screen International sebagai "penghargaan Indonesia yang setara dengan Oscar", Penghargaan FFI adalah penghargaan film paling prestisius di negara tersebut.
Described by Screen International as "Indonesia's equivalent to the Oscars", the Citra Awards are the country's most prestigious film awards.
Terletak di dataran tinggi di barat Maragheh, Provinsi Azerbaijan Timur, Iran, tempat tersebut sempat dianggap menjadi observatorium paling prestisius di dunia.
Located in the heights west of Maragheh, which is today situated in the East Azerbaijan Province of Iran, it was once considered "the most advanced scientific institution in the Eurasian world".
Wethersby Posner adalah salah satu firma yang paling prestisius di negeri ini.
Wethersby Posner is one of the most prestigious firms in the country.

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Do you know about Indonesian

Indonesian is the official language of Indonesia. Indonesian is a standard Malay language that was officially identified with the declaration of independence of Indonesia in 1945. Malay and Indonesian are still quite similar. Indonesia is the fourth most populous country in the world. The majority of Indonesians speak fluent Indonesian, with a rate of almost 100%, thus making it one of the most widely spoken languages in the world.