What does psikiater in Indonesian mean?

What is the meaning of the word psikiater in Indonesian? The article explains the full meaning, pronunciation along with bilingual examples and instructions on how to use psikiater in Indonesian.

The word psikiater in Indonesian means psychiatrist, shrink, analyst, head-shrinker. To learn more, please see the details below.

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Meaning of the word psikiater


noun (A doctor specialized in psychiatry.)

Aku kemari karena psikiaterku menyarankanku kalau ini akan jadi terapi baik.
I'm here because. my psychiatrist suggested it would be therapeutic.



Aku lebih suka berbicara denganmu daripada dengan psikiater.
I'd rather talk to you than to some shrink.





Mungkin kau yang harus pergi ke psikiater.
Maybe you need to see a head-shrinker yourself.

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Kita harus membebaskan para orang tua dari pengekang bahwa satu- satunya ide yang dapat kita coba di rumah adalah ide- ide yang muncul dari para psikiater atau para ahli pengembangan diri atau para ahli keluarga lainnya.
We have to break parents out of this straitjacket that the only ideas we can try at home are ones that come from shrinks or self- help gurus or other family experts.
/ Ya, psikiater.
Uh, psychiatrist, yeah.
Konsultasi ke psikiater 3 hari seminggu, dan ikut sesi kelompok.
Make you open up to a shrink like three days a week, and there's group sessions.
Sedangkan psikiater penuntut, Dr. Harold Zolan, memeriksa DeFeo dan menyimpulkan bahwa dia mempunyai kepribadian yang anti sosial, pemakai heroin dan LSD, dan ia juga sadar akan tindakannya itu.
The psychiatrist for the prosecution, Dr. Harold Zolan, maintained that although DeFeo was an abuser of heroin and LSD, he had antisocial personality disorder and was aware of his actions at the time of the crime.
Helena Bonham Carter sebagai Dr. Julia Hoffman]], orang yang berperan sebagai psikiater di rumah Keluarga Collins, disewa untuk mengurus David atas kepercayaannya terhadap hantu.
Helena Bonham Carter as Dr. Julia Hoffman, the family's live-in psychiatrist, hired to deal with David and his belief in ghosts.
Untung saja aku bukan seorang psikiater.
Good thing I'm not a shrink.
Shane Jacoby menerima pengobatan pengadilan memerintahkan dari seorang psikiater yang diresepkan Griffith meds nya.
Shane Jacoby received a court-ordered treatment from a psychiatrist who prescribed Griffith his meds.
Apa kau pernah bicara ke psikiater atau psikolog tentang problem emosional?
Have you ever talked to a psychiatrist or a psychologist about an emotional problem?
Kalau begitu mungkin kau harus hubungi Teman Jaringan Psikiater.
Maybe you should have called the Psychic Friends Network instead then.
”Agama,” menurut psikiater terkemuka C.
“Religion,” according to prominent psychiatrist C.
Kau tidak pernah ke psikiater?
You've never been to a shrink?
Julukan itulah yang diberikan para psikiater untuk ”kecanduan” jenis baru terhadap telepon seluler (ponsel).
That is how some psychiatrists have described the new “addiction” to mobile phones.
Ibu Rose seorang psikiater, jadi...
But rose's mom is a psychiatrist, so...
Psikiater atau dokter anak?
Psychiatrist or pediatrician?
The Journal of Lifetime Living pernah berkata, ”Para psikiater, dalam peperangan sengit melawan penyakit mental, akhirnya menyimpulkan bahwa akar penyakit-penyakit mental adalah tidak adanya kasih sayang.
The Journal of Lifetime Living once said: “The psychiatrists, in their lurid battle against mental illness, have finally concluded that the great taproot of mental ills is lovelessness.
Kau psikiaterku.
You're my psychiatrist.
”Di bawah keadaan industri modern,” kata psikiater Smiley Blanton, ”makin lebih banyak orang mendapati bahwa mereka . . . biasanya hanya suatu roda gigi kecil, dalam sebuah mesin raksasa yang dijalankan oleh manajemen perusahaan yang jauh di atas.
“Under modern industrial conditions,” psychiatrist Smiley Blanton says, “more and more people find that they . . . are but tiny cogs, as a rule, in a huge machine directed by remote corporate management.
(Roma 8:22) Sekalipun ada banyak obat penangkal rasa sakit yang dapat diperoleh di apotik dan upaya para dokter dan psikiater, belenggu yang telah meluas dari berbagai penderitaan tetap ada.
(Romans 8:22) Despite the many painkillers obtainable at drugstores and the efforts of physicians and psychiatrists, widespread bondage to pain of all kinds continues.
Dia jarang dapat pujian di antara psikiater dan pujiannya selalu mengarah padamu.
Esteem in psychiatric circles still eludes him, yet it clings to you like soap to a baby's eyes.
Psikiater Viktor Frankl bahkan mengatakan, ”Perjuangan untuk menemukan arti dalam kehidupan merupakan kekuatan utama yang memotivasi seseorang.”
Psychiatrist Viktor Frankl even claimed: “The striving to find a meaning in one’s life is the primary motivational force in man.”
Altchuler, psikiater Klinik Mayo di Minnesota, AS, berkata, ”Dalam waktu tidak lama setelah persalinan, kurang tenaga dan susah tidur mungkin menjadikan problem-problem kecil tampak jauh lebih besar.
Altchuler, a psychiatrist at Mayo Clinic in Minnesota, U.S.A.: “In the period shortly after childbirth, lack of energy and an inability to sleep may make minor problems seem much more major.
Ibu sudah menemukan psikiater yg cocok untukmu
I have found a very good psychiatrists for you
Aku ada janji temu dengan psikiater.
I have a shrink appointment.

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Indonesian is the official language of Indonesia. Indonesian is a standard Malay language that was officially identified with the declaration of independence of Indonesia in 1945. Malay and Indonesian are still quite similar. Indonesia is the fourth most populous country in the world. The majority of Indonesians speak fluent Indonesian, with a rate of almost 100%, thus making it one of the most widely spoken languages in the world.