What does Taj Mahal in Indonesian mean?

What is the meaning of the word Taj Mahal in Indonesian? The article explains the full meaning, pronunciation along with bilingual examples and instructions on how to use Taj Mahal in Indonesian.

The word Taj Mahal in Indonesian means Taj Mahal. To learn more, please see the details below.

Listen to pronunciation

Meaning of the word Taj Mahal

Taj Mahal


Kalian sudah bekerja keras untuk membangun Taj Mahal!
You two have worked hard enough to create the Taj Mahal!

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Bisa kulihat Taj Mahal?
Can I see the Taj Mahal?
Kecuali warnanya lebih gelap, seperti Taj Mahal hitam.
Except it was darker, it was like a black taj mahal.
Banyak omong, nanti kau akan dibuatkannya Taj Mahal.
A mouthful, and he will build you a Taj Mahal.
Apakah rumah bersinar seperti Taj Mahal
Is the house shine like the Taj Mahal
Beli Taj Mahal juga...
Buy the Ta ] Mahal too...
Oh, biarkan saja Taj Mahal seperti ini.
Oh, just let this Taj Mahal be.
Taj Mahal adalah sebuah film Tamil 1999 yang disutradarai oleh Bharathiraja.
Taj Mahal is a 1999 Tamil film directed by Bharathiraja.
tampaknya seolah-olah Taj Mahal itu sendiri telah datang ke sini!
If seems as if the Taj Mahal itself has come here!
Jangka waktu pembangunannya hampir sama dengan Taj Mahal.
It took as long as the Taj Mahal.
akan kugali kuburanmu di Taj Mahal!
Going to dig you a grave in the Taj Mahal!
Pernahkah kamu melihat Taj Mahal?
Have you ever seen the Taj Mahal?
Kau pernah lihat Taj Mahal?
Haven't you seen the Taj Mahal?
Arsitektur India Fatehpur Sikri ^ "Black Taj Mahal Myth".
Architecture of India Fatehpur Sikri "Black Taj Mahal Myth".
Taj Mahal dibangun oleh Raja Khurrama bagi istrinya Mumtaz, wanita tercantik di dunia.
The Taj Mahal was built by Emperor Khurrama for his wife Mumtaz, who was the maximum beautiful woman in the world.
Dia yang membangun Taj Mahal.
He built the Taj Mahal.
Tak perlu mencemaskan Taj Mahal.
Don't sweat the whole Taj Mahal thing.
Tempat ini, laksana Taj Mahal anaknya.
This is a Taj Mahal for his kid.
Dia tak bisa menyelesaikan Taj Mahalnya tepat waktu untuk hari jadinya tanpa bantuanmu.
There's no way he'd get that Taj Mahal done in time for his anniversary without your help.
Keindahan yang indah dari Taj Mahal?
The exquisite beauty of the Taj Mahal!
Yah, kau tahu Taj Mahal di Atlantic City?
Well, you know the Taj Mahal in Atlantic City?
Dan berkata, ketika kuberikan Taj Mahal ini padamu Akan ada air mata di matamu.
And said, when I give this Taj Mahal to you there will be tears in your eyes.
Tapi mirip marmar Taj Mahal.
but fine like Taj Mahal marble.
Kubawakan kau Taj Mahal.
I brought you the Taj Mahal.
Kau tahu Taj Mahal?
Have you even heard of the Ta ] Mahal?

Let's learn Indonesian

So now that you know more about the meaning of Taj Mahal in Indonesian, you can learn how to use them through selected examples and how to read them. And remember to learn the related words that we suggest. Our website is constantly updating with new words and new examples so you can look up the meanings of other words you don't know in Indonesian.

Do you know about Indonesian

Indonesian is the official language of Indonesia. Indonesian is a standard Malay language that was officially identified with the declaration of independence of Indonesia in 1945. Malay and Indonesian are still quite similar. Indonesia is the fourth most populous country in the world. The majority of Indonesians speak fluent Indonesian, with a rate of almost 100%, thus making it one of the most widely spoken languages in the world.