What does teliti in Indonesian mean?

What is the meaning of the word teliti in Indonesian? The article explains the full meaning, pronunciation along with bilingual examples and instructions on how to use teliti in Indonesian.

The word teliti in Indonesian means accurate, careful, thorough. To learn more, please see the details below.

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Meaning of the word teliti


adjective (exact or careful conformity to truth)

Misalnya, buku Ester dengan teliti melukiskan cara orang Persia menghormati seseorang.
For example, the book of Esther accurately describes the way Persians honored a man.



Semua dianjurkan untuk membuat persiapan yg teliti sebelumnya agar dapat memperoleh manfaat sepenuhnya dr bahan ini.
All are encouraged to make careful advance preparation so as to benefit fully from this material.



Saya yakin kau sudah melakukan yang baik, sangat teliti.
I'm sure you've done a good job, very thorough.

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Tetapi, pelajaran Alkitab yang teliti membantu saya mengembangkan persahabatan dengan Bapak dari Yesus, Allah Yehuwa.
However, my careful study of the Bible helped me to develop a close friendship with Jesus’ Father, Jehovah God.
Ini Dr. Jemma Simmons, memperbarui file tentang monolith yang aku dan Fitz teliti.
This is Dr. Jemma Simmons, updating the file on the Monolith Fitz and I have been studying.
Jadi penyakit pertama yang ditelitinya adalah autisme.
So the first disease he looked at is autism.
ILC1 yang sudah banyak diteliti dengan baik yaitu sel NK.
The best explored ILC1 are NK cells.
Ini telah diperiksa secara teliti.
It's being done in a rigorous manner.
Ini sangat teliti.
This is very thorough.
Dan setiap kali, aku menghentikan kebaikan dengan sangat teliti.
And each time, I meticulously undid all the good.
Boaz mengikuti penyelenggaraan Yehuwa dengan teliti.
Boaz scrupulously followed Jehovah’s arrangement.
Sebaliknya, mereka ”dengan teliti memeriksa Tulisan-Tulisan Kudus setiap hari apakah hal-hal [yang mereka pelajari ini] memang demikian”.—Kisah 17:11.
On the contrary, they “carefully [examined] the Scriptures daily as to whether these things [they were learning] were so.”—Acts 17:11.
Untuk menjawab pertanyaan-pertanyaan ini, kita harus mengamati gangguan ini dengan lebih teliti beserta penyebab-penyebabnya yang kompleks.
To answer these questions, we must take more than a superficial look at this disorder and its complex causes.
Semoga Yehuwa memberkati perencanaan yg teliti.
May Jehovah bless your careful planning!
Sewaktu berpindah tempat, para tahanan diperiksa dengan teliti, dan kalau lektur ditemukan, langsung disita.
During such moves, prisoners were thoroughly searched, and if literature was found, it was confiscated.
Anak-anak kita, juga, hendaknya diajari kewajiban ini, agar menjadi kebiasaan yang tertanam dalam diri mereka untuk secara teliti mengurusi hal-hal ini.
Our children, also, should be taught this duty, that it may become a fixed habit with them to punctually attend to these matters.
12 Pada waktu itu, Aku akan membawa lampu dan menggeledah Yerusalem dengan teliti,
12 At that time I will carefully search Jerusalem with lamps,
Tapi yang paling penting...,... tangkap satu tikus jantan dan betina dan bawa mereka kesini untuk diteliti.
But most importantly, capture one male and one female rat and bring them back for analysis.
Kini, pelafalan semacam itu hanya ditemukan dalam konteks keagamaan, dan kemudian hanya sering dipakai oleh pembaca Kitab-kitab Suci yang teliti.
Today, such a pronunciation only occurs in religious contexts and even then often only by careful readers of the scriptures.
Jika kita ditimbang di atas neraca yang teliti, seperti yang diinginkan Ayub, apakah Allah akan mengetahui integritas kita dalam soal ini?
If we were weighed in accurate scales, as Job desired to be, would God get to know our integrity in this matter?
Di sana Paulus mendapati bahwa orang-orang Berea ’lebih berbudi luhur daripada orang-orang yang ada di Tesalonika, karena mereka tidak saja menerima firman dengan sangat bergairah, tetapi juga memeriksa Tulisan-Tulisan Kudus dengan teliti setiap hari untuk mengetahui apakah kata-kata sang rasul benar demikian’.
There Paul found the Beroeans ‘more noble-minded than those in Thessalonica, in that they not only received the word with great eagerness but also carefully examined the Scriptures daily as to whether what the apostle said was so.’
Dalam hal popularitas sebagai organisme model laboratorium, B. subtilis sering dianggap sebagai ekuivalen Gram-positif dari Escherichia coli, suatu bakteri Gram-negatif yang diteliti secara luas. ^ Euzéby JP (2008).
In terms of popularity as a laboratory model organism, B. subtilis is often considered as the Gram-positive equivalent of Escherichia coli, an extensively studied Gram-negative bacterium.
Tirulah orang-orang yang mendengarkan rasul Paulus dan yang ”memeriksa Tulisan-Tulisan Kudus dengan teliti untuk mengetahui apakah hal-hal itu [yang mereka pelajari] benar demikian”. —Kisah 17:11.
Imitate those who heard the apostle Paul speak and who were “carefully examining the Scriptures daily as to whether these things [the things they were learning] were so.” —Acts 17:11.
Setelah naskah kuno Alkitab diteliti, kesimpulan apa yang bisa ditarik?
What has the study of ancient manuscripts shown?
Fusi nuklir mulai diteliti pada tahap teoretis ketika Perang Dunia II, ketika para peneliti Proyek Manhattan yang dipimpin oleh Edward Teller menelitinya sebagai metode pembuatan bom.
Nuclear fusion was initially pursued only in theoretical stages during World War II, when scientists on the Manhattan Project (led by Edward Teller) investigated it as a method to build a bomb.
Sebenarnya, saya belum pernah menunjukkan ini sebelumnya, tapi ini beberapa dari kandidat alam semesta yang sudah saya teliti.
Actually, I haven't shown these before, but here are a few of the candidate universes that I've looked at.
Pilot yang berpengalaman akan selalu terbang dengan aman jika ia selalu menginspeksi pesawat dengan bantuan daftar periksanya sebelum terbang. Demikian pula, Saudara akan bisa melayani dengan setia jika Saudara selalu menggunakan daftar periksa rohani Saudara dengan teliti.
Just as the experienced yet cautious pilot continues to fly safely by first reviewing a preflight checklist, so you will be helped to persist in faithful service by reviewing a spiritual checklist.
Zat-zat kimia yang kini sedang diteliti karena pengaruhnya terhadap saraf pada awal kehidupan antara lain penghambat nyala atau dikenal dengan PBDEs yang digunakan secara luas dalam busa pelapis, barang elektronik dan barang lainnya; ftalat, banyak digunakan sebagai pemlastis/peliat dan dalam proses pembuatan pengharum; bisphenol A, bahan pembuat plastik polikarbonat, dikenal luas dengan nama BPA; senyawa perfluorinasi yang digunakan untuk membuat lapisan tahan noda, air dan minyak; serta berbagai jenis pestisida.
Among the chemicals now being examined for neurological impacts that occur early in life are flame retardants known as PBDEs that have been used extensively in upholstery foams, electronics and other products; phthalates, widely used as plasticizers and in synthetic fragrances; the polycarbonate plastic ingredient bisphenol A, known commonly as BPA; perfluorinated compounds, whose applications include stain-, water- and grease-resistant coatings; and various pesticides.

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So now that you know more about the meaning of teliti in Indonesian, you can learn how to use them through selected examples and how to read them. And remember to learn the related words that we suggest. Our website is constantly updating with new words and new examples so you can look up the meanings of other words you don't know in Indonesian.

Do you know about Indonesian

Indonesian is the official language of Indonesia. Indonesian is a standard Malay language that was officially identified with the declaration of independence of Indonesia in 1945. Malay and Indonesian are still quite similar. Indonesia is the fourth most populous country in the world. The majority of Indonesians speak fluent Indonesian, with a rate of almost 100%, thus making it one of the most widely spoken languages in the world.