What does transkrip in Indonesian mean?
What is the meaning of the word transkrip in Indonesian? The article explains the full meaning, pronunciation along with bilingual examples and instructions on how to use transkrip in Indonesian.
The word transkrip in Indonesian means transcript, copy. To learn more, please see the details below.
Meaning of the word transkrip
transcriptnoun Saya punya transkrip percakapan yang kamu telah dengan Noyce kemarin. I have a transcript of the conversation you had with Noyce yesterday. |
copynoun |
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Mentranskrip kontes mendengkur itu, sayangnya Iya. Having transcribed last year's snore-fest, that's an unfortunate yes. |
Lembaran transkrip dengan dokternya. Pages of transcripts with her doctors. |
Individu dalam pengalaman itu mendengar audio dari transkrip asli interogasi Mohammed al-Qahtani yang dibaca oleh aktor, seolah-olah itu berasal dari ruangan lain. The individual in that experience heard an audio of a real transcript of an interrogation of Mohammed al-Qahtani read by actors as if it was coming from another room. |
Sekarang aku, sudah berlangsung melalui transkrip asli dari pengadilan Kunitomo Shigeaki. Now, I've been going through the original transcripts of the trial of Kunitomo Shigeaki. |
Catatan: Pada perangkat Google Pixel, transkrip panggilan Anda hanya disimpan di aplikasi Telepon, dan aplikasi lainnya tidak memiliki akses ke transkrip panggilan. Note: On Google Pixel devices, your call transcript is only stored within the Phone app, and other apps don't have access to your call transcript. |
Untuk mengetahui cara transkrip Anda disimpan, hubungi produsen perangkat Anda. To find out how your transcript is stored, check with your device manufacturer. |
Ketika Vladimir berusia 10 bulan, Nina harus kembali ke kantornya di biro Transkrip Departemen Geodesi dan Kartografi Uni Soviet (terlibat dalam membuat peta Jerman tersedia bagi militer Soviet) sehingga dapat membantu suaminya mencari nafkah keluarga. When Vladimir was 10 months old, Nina had to return to her office in the Transcript bureau of the Soviet Ministry of Geodesy and Cartography (engaged in making German maps available for the Soviet military) so as to help her husband earn their family's living. |
Bahkan dengan pemahaman dasar transkrip ini... kau menguasai Hado. Even with their understanding Ladies of this transcript... you held a Hado. |
Ketika residu ini terfosforilasi, CTD mengikat berbagai faktor protein yang mendorong pematangan dan modifikasi transkrip. When these residues are phosphorylated, the CTD binds to various protein factors that promote transcript maturation and modification. |
Aku membaca dari transkrip kesaksian. I was reading from the transcript for the deposition. |
Membaca ulang transkrip dari kasusmu, aku tertarik oleh sesuatu. In rereading the transcripts of your case, I was struck by something. |
Menurut transkrip yang diduga berasal dari pidato Putin pada Pertemuan Dewan NATO-Rusia di Bukares tahun 2008, Putin menyatakan Rusia bertanggung jawab akan penduduk Rusia di Ukraina dan mendesak NATO untuk bertindak matang-matang; menurut beberapa media, dilaporkan bahwa Putin mengisyaratkan kepada rekan di AS secara privat akan kemungkinan Ukraina akan kehilangan wilayahnya setelah bergabung pada NATO. According to the alleged transcript of Putin’s speech at the 2008 NATO–Russia Council Summit in Bucharest, Putin spoke of Russia’s responsibility for ethnic Russians resident in Ukraine and urged his NATO partners to act advisedly; according to some media reports he then also privately hinted to his US counterpart at the possibility of Ukraine losing its integrity in the event of its NATO accession. |
Messina, Lecce dan Siena juga sedang diselidiki jaksa yang terus menganalisis transkrip dari panggilan telepon. Messina, Lecce and Siena were also investigated as prosecutors continued to analyse transcripts of telephone calls. |
Ferrar menganggap kodeks-kodeks 13, 69, 124, 346 sebagai transkrip dari jenis naskah kuno yang sama. Ferrar regarded codices 13, 69, 124, 346 as transcripts of the same archetype. |
Untuk membuat transkripmu dapat diterima, tugasmu disetujui. To create acceptable transcripts, got your work approved. |
Kau tidak menyelesaikan transkripmu. You didn't finish your transcript. |
Saya telah membaca transkripnya. I've read the transcript. |
Telah ditranskrip dan diterjemahkan sebagai: Bahasa dan bentuk tulisan prasasti Ekron menunjukkan pengaruh signifikan Fenisia, dan nama Ikausu dipahami sebagai Akhis. It has been transcribed and translated as: The language and form of writing of the Ekron inscription show a significant Phoenician influence, and the name Ikausu is understood as Achish. |
Saya punya transkrip percakapan yang kamu telah dengan Noyce kemarin. I have a transcript of the conversation you had with Noyce yesterday. |
Dia juga dibantu dengan memeriksa transkrip untuk Eye Witness to Therapy (1973). He also assisted with checking transcripts for Eye Witness to Therapy (1973). |
Kepolisian San Fransisco telah mengirimkan transkrip wawancara dalam kasus Colin Haymer. S.f.p.d.sent over transcripts of the interviews from the colin haymer case. |
Transkrip untuk melanjutkan pengadilan keluarga membuat referensi untuk perintah penahanan. The transcript for a family court proceeding makes reference to a restraining order. |
Aku akan review kembali transkrip dari operasi berlinmu I reviewed the transcript of your Berlin operation. |
Aku memiliki transkrip Grand Jury yang dirilis pada penemuan kesalahan oleh Russel Dodson. I have a Grand Jury transcript released on discovery by mistake... by our Russell Dodson. |
Dengan teknologi dan data dan kemampuan untuk, dengan bantuan mesin, menerjemahkan bahasa, kami sekarang telah menerjemahkan lebih dari tujuh juta kata dari transkrip kami. So with that technology and that data and the ability to, with machine assistance, transcribe speech, we've now transcribed well over seven million words of our home transcripts. |
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Do you know about Indonesian
Indonesian is the official language of Indonesia. Indonesian is a standard Malay language that was officially identified with the declaration of independence of Indonesia in 1945. Malay and Indonesian are still quite similar. Indonesia is the fourth most populous country in the world. The majority of Indonesians speak fluent Indonesian, with a rate of almost 100%, thus making it one of the most widely spoken languages in the world.