What does útivist in Icelandic mean?

What is the meaning of the word útivist in Icelandic? The article explains the full meaning, pronunciation along with bilingual examples and instructions on how to use útivist in Icelandic.

The word útivist in Icelandic means outdoor life. To learn more, please see the details below.

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Meaning of the word útivist

outdoor life


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Menntun í gegnum íþróttir og útivist
Education through sport and outdoor activities
Víða um heim blasa við auglýsingar í tímaritum og á veggspjöldum sem einatt tengja reykingar unaði, ánægju, frelsi, ævintýrum, útivist, fegurð og munaði.
Billboards and magazines dangle the habit before your mind’s eye, always associating it with pleasure, freedom, adventure, beauty, luxury.
Þeir sem stunda einhverja útivist að vetri segja að það hjálpi í baráttunni við skammdegisþunglyndi.
Those who engage in outdoor physical activities during the winter also report relief from the winter blues.
Mínar ær og kýr eru útivist, veiði, skíði, snjóbretti, ferðalög og jóga og þar fyrir utan veit ég fátt skemmtilegra en að borða og spila í góðra vina hópi.
My favorite activities are hiking, hunting, skiing, snowboarding, traveling and practicing yoga – besides this I know nothing more fun than dining out and playing with friends.
Helstu áhugamál hennar eru útivist, ferðalög og alls kyns íþróttir.
She is keenly interested in outdoor activities, travel and all sorts of sports.
Útivist Búnaður > GPS and Leiðsögn Frá
Outdoor Equipment > GPS and Navigation From
Útivist Ef þú ætlar að elda úti í fríinu þá þarftu útilegueldunartæki.
If you are planning on cooking outside this holiday you will be needing a camping stove.
Elska ljósmyndun, ferðast og útivist?
Love photography, traveling & outdoor activities?
Stundaðu útivist með okkar fjölbreytta úrvali af gönguskóm.
outdoors with our wide range of walking footwear.
Við bjóðum upp á notalegt og afslappað umhverfi með einstakri aðstöðu hvað varðar útivist, heilsu og vellíðan.
Book now We offer a cozy and relaxed environment with unique facilities in terms of outdoor life, health and well-being.
XC tegundirnar okkar eru hin fullkomna endurspeglun á sænskri ástríðu fyrir útivist.
Our XC models are the perfect reflection of the outdoor nature in typical Swedish life.
Navigation app fyrir alla útivist þína, þar á meðal gönguferðir
Navigation app for all your outdoor activities including hiking
Smelltu til að loka Útivist Svefn (67)
Click to close Reset Outdoor Sleeping (67)
Vertu viss um að þú sért með rétta búnaðinn og kíktu á fylgihlutir fyrir útivist.
Make sure you are fully equipped and check out our outdoor accessories.
Hentar vel fyrir húsbát, akstur, hlaup, veiðar, kappakstur, skíði og klifur, gönguferðir og áhugamenn um viðskipti eða aðra útivist.
Suitable for houseboat, driving, running, fishing, racing, skiing and climbing, trekking and business or other outdoor activities enthusiasts.
TRU er umkringdur frábæru landslagi, ef þig langar að læra erlendis og hefur áhuga á útivist er TRU góður kostur fyrir þig.
TRU is surrounded by spectacular landscapes. If you want to study abroad and you like adventure and outdoor adventures, TRU will be an ideal choice for you.
Léttar stuttbuxur fyrir alls kyns útivist og íþróttaiðkun
Light shorts for all sports and outdoor activities.
Flutningsmannvirki sem tengjast raforkukerfinu hafa á liðnum árum opnað ýmsa möguleika fyrir ferðafólk til að stunda útivist á hálendinu. Þá hefur Landsnet á síðustu árum tekið þátt í að stöðva uppblástur á örfoka svæðum í samvinnu við Landgræðslu ríkisins auk fornleifarannsókna á hálendinu sem farið hafa fram í tengslum við uppbyggingu í raforkukerfisins.
Power transmission infrastructure has over the years opened up a range of possibilities for travellers to explore and engage in outdoor activities in the highlands. In recent years, Landsnet has been combating soil erosion in wind-eroded areas in partnership with the Soil Conservation Service of Iceland. Archaeological research has also been carried out in the highlands in conjunction with development of the electricity system.
Flest pólsk ungmenni lifa mjög virku félagslífi og stunda mikla útivist, til dæmis hjólreiðar, fjallgöngur, kanóróður og kajakróður á hinum fjölmörgu ám Póllands.
Polish teens tend to have a very active social life, spending time outside riding bikes, hiking, canoeing and kayaking on Poland’s many beautiful rivers.
Fjölbreytt afþreying og útivist stendur til boða, eins og t.d. ferjusiglingar, að rölta um höfnina og vínsmökkun.
Outdoor activities such as taking a ferry, exploring the port and wine tasting are at hand, along with attractions like:
Þessi syðsta borg heimsins er byggð af sjómönnum, viðskiptajöfrum og fjárbændum og allir áhugamenn um útivist elska hana.
The World’s southernmost city is home to fishermen, business people, and sheep farmers, and all outdoor enthusiasts love this place.
Frábærar upplifanir fyrir hjólreiðaviðburði, útivist.
Great giveaways for cycling events, outdoor activities.
Atriði sem geta tryggt góða umhverfisvitund er útivist, hjólreiðar og endurvinnsla á pappír og plastafurðum.
Among the factors that can guarantee sound environmental awareness are outdoor activities, cycling and the recycling of paper and plastic products.
Jafnframt mun stofnun þjóðgarðs auðvelda ábyrga stjórnun og nýtingu fyrir útivist, hefðbundna landnýtingu og ferðamennsku.
Together, we can save the Central Highland by creating a national park providing for nature conservation, sustainable development for tourism, traditional land use and recreation.
Fjölbreytt afþreying og útivist stendur til boða, eins og t.d. skautahlaup, skíði og snjóbretti.
Outdoor activities are at hand such as ice skating, skiing, and snowboarding, along with attractions like:

Let's learn Icelandic

So now that you know more about the meaning of útivist in Icelandic, you can learn how to use them through selected examples and how to read them. And remember to learn the related words that we suggest. Our website is constantly updating with new words and new examples so you can look up the meanings of other words you don't know in Icelandic.

Do you know about Icelandic

Icelandic is a Germanic language and the official language of Iceland. It is an Indo-European language, belonging to the North Germanic branch of the Germanic language group. The majority of Icelandic speakers live in Iceland, about 320,000. More than 8,000 native Icelandic speakers live in Denmark. The language is also spoken by about 5,000 people in the United States and by more than 1,400 people in Canada. Although 97% of Iceland's population considers Icelandic as their mother tongue, the number of speakers is declining in communities outside Iceland, especially Canada.