[Etude House] Fixing Tint 4g casa etude/fixação tint 4g (1)
[Etude House] Fixing Tint 4g casa etude/fixação tint 4g (2)
[Etude House] Fixing Tint 4g casa etude/fixação tint 4g (3)
[Etude House] Fixing Tint 4g casa etude/fixação tint 4g (4)

Vender [Etude House] Fixing Tint 4g casa etude/fixação tint 4g melhor preço

R$ 56,25
32% OFF
R$ 38,5
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#1 Analog Rose
#2 Vintage Red
#3 Mellow Peach
#4 Ginger Milk Tea
#5 Midnight Mauve
#6 Soft Walnut
#7 Cranberry Plum
#8 Dusty Beige
#10 Smokey cherry
#11 Rose blending
#12 Salmon Brick

Descrição do Produto

-Feature High moisture matte texture, light and comfortable feeling like my lips Completed human body application test to prevent smearing of mask Fixing the lips moist as if they were stained -Option #1 Analog Rose #2 Vintage Red #3 Mellow Peach #4 Ginger Milk Tea #5 Midnight Mauve #6 Soft Walnut #7 Cranberry Plum #8 Dusty Beige #10 Smokey cherry (New) #11 Rose blending (New) #12 Salmon Brick (New) -Volume 4g -How to use Apply it over the entire lip line to create full cover lips, or tap on the center of the lips to spread naturally to create gradation lips.

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