英语 中的 barring 是什么意思?

英语 中的单词 barring 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 barring 的说明。

英语 中的barring 表示除了… chú le …, 排除,不接纳 pái chú,bù jiē nà, 酒吧 jiǔ bā, 吧台 bā tái, 条状物 tiáo zhuàng wù, 栏杆,铁栏 lán gān, 棍棒 gùn bàng, (一)块,(一)条 yí kuài,yì tiáo, 杠,单杠, 禁止 jìn zhǐ, 禁止某人做某事, (卡上的)磁条 kǎ shàng de cí tiáo, 排斥 pái chì, (乐谱的)小节 yuè pǔ de xiǎo jié, 法庭围栏 fǎ tíng wéi lán, (法庭上关押罪犯的)隔离间 fǎ tíng shàng guān yā zuì fàn de gé lí jiān, 律师专业 lǜ shī zhuān yè, 沙滩 shā tān, 巴 bā, 小卖部 xiǎo mài bù, 供热电阻丝, 勋带, 肩章, 门槛 mén kǎn, 除了 chú le, 闩住 shuān zhù, 堵住 dǔ zhù, 在...上画条纹, 挡住 dǎng zhù, 使诉讼中止。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。


单词 barring 的含义

除了… chú le …

preposition (excluding, excepting)

Barring any more delays, we should arrive by 7 pm.

排除,不接纳 pái chú,bù jiē nà

noun (exclusion of [sb]) (对某人)

The barring of women from the club was controversial.

酒吧 jiǔ bā

noun (pub)

The new bar in town serves lots of different beers.

吧台 bā tái

noun (counter in a pub)

The cowboy walked up to the bar and ordered a beer.

条状物 tiáo zhuàng wù

noun (iron, steel post)

The concrete walls are reinforced with steel bars.

栏杆,铁栏 lán gān

plural noun (steel grille in prison, etc.) (监狱等地的)

The convicted criminal looked out through the bars of his prison cell.

棍棒 gùn bàng

noun (rod)

He used a metal bar to vandalise several parked cars.

(一)块,(一)条 yí kuài,yì tiáo

noun (snack: block of [sth]) (小吃、零食等)

Sandy treated herself to a bar of chocolate. I usually have a cereal bar for breakfast.


noun (gym apparatus) (体操)

The gymnast was performing an exercise on the bar.

禁止 jìn zhǐ

transitive verb (exclude, ban)

The disco has barred Andy because of his crazy antics.


(often passive (exclude, ban from doing [sth])

The judge barred Lewis from driving for a year.

(卡上的)磁条 kǎ shàng de cí tiáo

noun (line)

Place your bank card so the side showing the bar is uppermost.

排斥 pái chì

noun (exclusion)

Because of his behaviour, he was subject to a bar in many of the town's shops.

(乐谱的)小节 yuè pǔ de xiǎo jié

noun (music)

The composer hummed a few bars of his new song.

法庭围栏 fǎ tíng wéi lán

noun (UK (law court)

The solicitor leaned over the bar to talk to the barrister.

(法庭上关押罪犯的)隔离间 fǎ tíng shàng guān yā zuì fàn de gé lí jiān

noun (UK (box for accused in court)

The prisoner at the bar looked very worried.

律师专业 lǜ shī zhuān yè

noun (legal profession)

The California bar approved Mr. Black to practice law.

沙滩 shā tān

noun (sandbank)

The fishing boat ran aground on a bar.

巴 bā

noun (pressure unit) (压强单位,1巴=100,000帕)

During the storm, the pressure dropped to twenty-eight bars.

小卖部 xiǎo mài bù

noun (place where [sth] is sold)


noun (electric fire heating element) (电炉)

The bars on the electric fire were glowing with a bright orange colour.


noun (UK (insignia, award) (勋章上的)

He won the Distinguished Conduct Medal and bar in the war.


noun (US (metal bar on uniform) (制服上的)

You can tell his rank by the number of bars on his uniform.

门槛 mén kǎn

noun (authority, threshold)

The content of this film is well below the bar of decency, so it ought to be banned.

除了 chú le

preposition (except)

I hate all vegetables bar carrots.

闩住 shuān zhù

transitive verb (shut with a bar)

For safety, Simon bars his door every night.

堵住 dǔ zhù

transitive verb (obstruct)

The security officers barred the entrance to the bank.


transitive verb (draw stripes on)

I am going to paint this wall white, then bar it in black.

挡住 dǎng zhù

transitive verb (shut in or out)

All of the exits had been barred, and there was no way to escape.


transitive verb (law: halt action by objection) (法律)

The victim waited too long, and now her claim is barred by the state's statute of limitations.

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barring 的相关词

你知道 英语

英语来自迁移到英格兰的日耳曼部落,经过 1400 多年的演变。 英语是世界上第三大语言,仅次于汉语和西班牙语。 它是学得最多的第二语言,也是近60个主权国家的官方语言。 与母语人士相比,这种语言有更多的第二语言和外语使用者。 英语也是联合国、欧盟和许多其他国际和区域组织的共同官方语言。 如今,世界各地的英语使用者都可以相对轻松地进行交流。