英语 中的 field 是什么意思?

英语 中的单词 field 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 field 的说明。

英语 中的field 表示田 tián, 场地 chǎng dì, 草地 cǎo dì, 领域 lǐng yù, 野外工作的 yě wài gōng zuò de, 田赛的 tián sài de, 野战的 yě zhàn de, 田间的,地里的 tián jiān de,dì lǐ de, 田间劳动的 tián jiān láo dòng de, 领域 lǐng yù, 全体参赛者 quán tǐ cān sài zhě, 矿田 kuàng tián, 战场,战地 zhàn chǎng,zhàn dì, 防守队 fáng shǒu duì, 外场,外野,外场手 wài chǎng,wài yě,wài chǎng shǒu, 一片,茫茫一片 yí piàn ,máng máng yí piàn, 底色 dǐ sè, 场 chǎng, 字段, 担任外场员 dān rèn wài chǎng yuán, 接球 jiē qiú, 派…上场,派…参赛 pài shàng chǎng,pài cān sài, 巧妙地回答, 部署,派遣 bù shǔ,pài qiǎn, 运动场 yùn dòng chǎng, 棒球场 bàng qiú chǎng, 双筒望远镜 shuāng tǒng wàng yuǎn jìng, 甘蔗园, 职业领域, 中外场, 中外场手, 棉花地, 景深 jǐng shēn, 运动日, 大日子, 田赛运动,田赛项目, 射门得分 shè mén dé fēn, 投篮 tóu lán, 实地指南, 曲棍球 qū gùn qiú, 卫生营,野战医院,战地医院, 更衣室 gēng yī shì, 室内运动场地, 陆军元帅 lù jūn yuán shuài, 田鼠 tián shǔ, 研究领域, 视野 shì yě, 外地办事处,分部 fēn bù, 陆军校官, 现场工作人员, 野生环境考察, 现场研究,实地考察 shí dì kǎo chá, 实地考察 shí dì kǎo chá, 现场考察 xiàn chǎng kǎo chá, 野外的, 实地的 shí dì de, 对…进行现场测试, 拆卸 chāi xiè, 拆解丢弃, 足球场 zú qiú chǎng, 橄榄球场 gǎn lǎn qiú chǎng, 冰原 bīng yuán, 在实地, 飞机场 fēi jī chǎng, 左外野, 左外野手, 公平的竞争环境, 磁场强度, 专业 zhuān yè, 布雷区 bù léi ōu, 充满隐患的环境(状况等) chōng mǎn yǐn huàn de huán jìng zhuàng kuàng děng, 油田 yóu tián, 球场 qiú chǎng, 战场 zhàn chǎng, 开阔田, 良好机遇, 开阔球场的, 用开阔田地的, 有良好机遇的, 稻田,水稻田 dào tián, 乱搞男女关系 luàn gǎo nán nǚ guān xì, 运动场 yùn dòng chǎng, 稻田 dào tián, 右外野, 右外野手, 语义场 yǔ yì chǎng, 上阵,上场 shàng zhèn,shàng chǎng, 文本框, 田径运动 tián jìng yùn dòng, 田径 tián jìng, 田径运动员 tián jìng yùn dòng yuán, 麦田。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。


单词 field 的含义

田 tián

noun (agriculture: land)

She saw a field full of corn.

场地 chǎng dì

noun (sports: ground) (运动)

The players ran out onto the rugby field.

草地 cǎo dì

noun (grassy area)

The dogs played in the field beside the house.

领域 lǐng yù

noun (area of expertise)

She's an expert in her field.

野外工作的 yě wài gōng zuò de

adjective (working outside office)

She's one of our field agents.

田赛的 tián sài de

adjective (sports: non-track) (体育运动)

I prefer field events to track events.

野战的 yě zhàn de

adjective (military: combat) (军事)

He's just finished several weeks of field operations.

田间的,地里的 tián jiān de,dì lǐ de

adjective (US (agriculture: field grown) (农作物)

They harvested a crop of field hay.

田间劳动的 tián jiān láo dòng de

adjective (farm labor)

He's a field hand and works at the farm.

领域 lǐng yù

noun (area: profession, study, etc.) (职业、学科)

The field of applied linguistics has always interested me.

全体参赛者 quán tǐ cān sài zhě

noun (figurative (sports: all participants) (体育运动)

She reached the finishing line well ahead of the field.

矿田 kuàng tián

noun (geology: terrain) (煤、石油等)

There's an oil field ten miles west of here.

战场,战地 zhàn chǎng,zhàn dì

noun (military: combat) (军事)

He was always with his troops in the field.

防守队 fáng shǒu duì

noun (baseball: team not at bat) (棒球)

The Red Sox bat while the Yankees play in the field.

外场,外野,外场手 wài chǎng,wài yě,wài chǎng shǒu

noun (baseball: outfield) (棒球)

Bernie Williams plays center field for the champions.

一片,茫茫一片 yí piàn ,máng máng yí piàn

noun (figurative (expanse) (比喻)

A field of snow lay round about.

底色 dǐ sè

noun (background surface)

She painted a tree against a field of blue.

场 chǎng

noun (magnetism) (物理)

It produces a strong magnetic field.


noun (computing: slot for data) (计算机)

Required fields are marked with an asterisk.

担任外场员 dān rèn wài chǎng yuán

intransitive verb (baseball, cricket) (棒球、板球)

The home team is currently fielding.

接球 jiē qiú

transitive verb (baseball, cricket: catch ball) (棒球、板球)

He fielded the ball with dexterity.

派…上场,派…参赛 pài shàng chǎng,pài cān sài

transitive verb (sports: put into play) (体育)

They fielded a very competent team.


transitive verb (figurative (deal with: questions)

The candidate fielded a number of questions from the reporters.

部署,派遣 bù shǔ,pài qiǎn

transitive verb (military: deploy) (军事)

The UN has fielded troops in Sierra Leone.

运动场 yùn dòng chǎng

noun (sports ground with track)

The athletic field had been damaged by the rain.

棒球场 bàng qiú chǎng

noun (pitch for baseball)

双筒望远镜 shuāng tǒng wàng yuǎn jìng

plural noun (magnifying eye glasses)

I keep binoculars by the window to look at birds.


noun (sugar plantation)


noun (area of work)


noun (baseball: location) (棒球)

The ball flew into center field and Jeff caught it.


noun (baseball: player's position) (棒球)

You can be center field in today's game.


noun (plantation)

景深 jǐng shēn

noun (part of an image in sharp focus)

I set the camera aperture to obtain maximum depth of field.


noun (school's outdoor sports event) (学校)


noun (figurative, informal (great opportunity to enjoy yourself)

The revelation about the Prime Minister's love life was a field day for the tabloids.


noun (sports: track meet event) (体育运动)

射门得分 shè mén dé fēn

noun (US (football: three-point goal) (橄榄球: 三分球)

投篮 tóu lán

noun (basketball: while ball is in play) (篮球)


(illustrated book)

曲棍球 qū gùn qiú

noun (mainly US (sport: hockey played on a field)

Field hockey is played with a ball, not a puck.


noun (medical camp)

They set up the field hospital a short distance away from the fighting.

更衣室 gēng yī shì

noun (athletics: for storage, dressing) (运动场周围的)


noun (used for indoor sports)

陆军元帅 lù jūn yuán shuài

noun (high-ranking military officer)

田鼠 tián shǔ

noun (small rodent that lives in fields)

Cinderella's fairy godmother turned four field mice into white horses to pull the coach.


noun (research: area)

Joe's field of study is French literature.

视野 shì yě

noun (everything visible to the eye)

外地办事处,分部 fēn bù

noun (branch or local agency)

Sometimes the policies dictated by the company's headquarters make no sense to the field offices.


noun (military)


noun (staff member with practical duties)


noun (observation of nature in the wild)

it was essential to conduct a field study to get to know the bird species better in their own habitat.

现场研究,实地考察 shí dì kǎo chá

noun (observation off-site)

实地考察 shí dì kǎo chá

noun (research outing)

The class went on a field trip to the zoo.

现场考察 xiàn chǎng kǎo chá

noun (research carried out on site)

Smithers is in the Amazon doing field work on endangered species. Her fieldwork confirmed her academic theory about economic development.


adjective (carried out in nature)

From our field-based observations, we conclude that native species of grasses are in decline.

实地的 shí dì de

adjective (figurative (carried out on site)


transitive verb (figurative (trial [sth] under real conditions)

拆卸 chāi xiè

transitive verb (mainly US (disassemble: a weapon) (武器)


transitive verb (mainly US (cigarette butt: leave no trace of) (烟头)

足球场 zú qiú chǎng

noun (for soccer)

The injured player was carried off the football field on a stretcher.

橄榄球场 gǎn lǎn qiú chǎng

noun (for American football)

I drove the length of a football field before my car broke down.

冰原 bīng yuán

(floating ice) (浮冰)


adverb (figurative (away from office)

He likes to work in the field, rather than behind a desk.

飞机场 fēi jī chǎng

noun (airfield: where planes take off and land)

The locals called it "The Airport" but it was really nothing more than a grass landing field.


noun (baseball: location) (棒球: 位置)

He hit the ball straight to left field.


noun (baseball: player's position) (棒球)

He played left field professionally for 10 years.


noun (figurative (equality, fair situation)

We can only compete if we're all on a level playing field.


noun (where magnetic force acts)

专业 zhuān yè

noun (research: main area)

My major field of study is Greek, and I am minoring in art history.

布雷区 bù léi ōu

noun (area full of explosives)

He lost his leg in the war, when his platoon strayed into a minefield.

充满隐患的环境(状况等) chōng mǎn yǐn huàn de huán jìng zhuàng kuàng děng

noun (figurative (sensitive subject or situation) (比喻)

Don't discuss religion with them; it's a mine field!

油田 yóu tián

noun (area where oil is mined)

We plan to drill five exploration wells in this oil field.

球场 qiú chǎng

noun (American football) (美式橄榄球)

战场 zhàn chǎng

noun (military: battlefield) (军事)


noun (farming: undivided field) (农田)


noun (wide-open opportunity)


noun as adjective (American football) (美式橄榄球)


noun as adjective (historical (farming: using open fields) (历史用语)


noun as adjective (with wide-open opportunity)

稻田,水稻田 dào tián

noun (field where rice is cultivated)

乱搞男女关系 luàn gǎo nán nǚ guān xì

verbal expression (figurative, informal (have many relationships)

Simon has gained a reputation for playing the field.

运动场 yùn dòng chǎng

noun (sports ground)

The children used the playing field for football, rugby and hockey.

稻田 dào tián

noun (wetland where rice is grown)

Because they are irrigated by flooding, rice fields are breeding grounds for mosquitoes.


noun (baseball: location)

I usually stand in right field when my class plays baseball.


noun (baseball: player's position)

Can I play right field today?

语义场 yǔ yì chǎng

noun (range of meanings of a word)

上阵,上场 shàng zhèn,shàng chǎng

verbal expression (sportsperson: join the games or begin a game) (指运动员)

After a long delay, the teams finally took the field.


noun (computing: space for typing text) (计算机)

田径运动 tián jìng yùn dòng

noun (athletics events: running, etc.)

Talia is good at most sports, but she really excels at track and field.

田径 tián jìng

noun as adjective (relating to athletics events)

Discus is a track and field event.

田径运动员 tián jìng yùn dòng yuán

plural noun (participants in athletic events)

Track-and-field athletes include runners, sprinters, and pole vaulters.


noun (crop: field of wheat)

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