英语 中的 job 是什么意思?

英语 中的单词 job 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 job 的说明。

英语 中的job 表示工作 gōng zuò, 一件工作 yí jiàn gōng zuò, 作业 zuò yè, 职责 zhí zé, 事 shì, 犯罪行为 fàn zuì xíng wéi, 一项交易的 yí xiàng jiāo yì de, 倒卖 dǎo mài, 转包 zhuǎn bāo, 约伯, 《约伯记》, 受苦者 shòu kǔ zhě, 出色地完成了任务, 申请工作 shēn qǐng gōng zuò, 没有做好的事情 méi yǒu zuò hǎo de shì qíng, 口交 kǒu jiāo, 拙劣的工作 zhuō liè de gōng zuò, 日常工作 rì cháng gōng zuò, 获得成功 huò dé chéng gōng, 理想职业 lǐ xiǎng zhí yè, 找工作, 全职工作 quán zhí gōng zuò, 找到工作 zhǎo dào gōng zuò, 马上开始干…, 干得不错 gàn de bú cuò, 幸运的是,幸好 xìng yùn de shì,xìng hǎo, 很棒的工作,好极了,干得不错,(工作)完成得很不错 hěn bàng de gōng zuò,hǎo jí le ,gàn de bú cuò,gōng zuò wán chéng de hěn bú cuò, 手淫 shǒu yín, 苦差 kǔ chāi, 艰难的任务 jiān nán de rèn wù, 有份工作 yǒu fèn gōng zuò, 做某事很困难,很吃力 hěn chī lì, 做…工作 zuò gōng zuò, 保住饭碗, 假期短工, 监守自盗, 罢工 bà gōng, 求职人员,求职者,应聘者 qiú zhí rén yuán, 职位公告板,职位布告栏, 求职平台,招聘平台, 就业中心,职业介绍所 zhí yè jiè shào suǒ, 分批成本核算 fēn pī chéng běn hé suàn, 职位描述 zhí wèi miáo shù, 招聘会 zhāo pìn huì, 求职,找工作, 求职, 求职的, 一堆货品,一堆东西, 就业市场 jiù yè shì chǎng, 工作要约, 职位空缺, 工作机会, 工作绩效评估,工作绩效考评, 招聘启事, 工作满意度,工作满足感, 工作安全感 gōng zuò ān quán gǎn, 找工作者 zhǎo gōng zuò zhě, 见习, 见习, 职位 zhí wèi, 职业培训 zhí yè péi xùn, 职位空缺, 求职者, 工作分享 gōng zuò fēn xiǎng, 做得好,在…方面干得不错 zuò de hǎo, 令人厌恶的工作 lìng rén yàn wù de gōng zuò, 鼻部整形手术, 零工 líng gōng, 勤杂工,零工 qín zá gōng,líng gōng, 勤杂工, 杂工, 办公室工作, 在工作 zài gōng zuò, 在做爱, 在工作中的, 在职培训 zài zhí péi xùn, 兼职工作 jiān zhí gōng zuò, 阴谋 yīn móu, 解雇某人 jiě gù mǒu rén, 第二职业 dì èr zhí yè, 欺骗 qī piàn, 稳定的工作, 接受一份工作 jiē shòu yí fèn gōng zuò, 临时性工作, 这样行得通。 zhè yàng xíng de tōng, 艰难的工作,棘手的活 jiān nán de gōng zuò,jí shǒu de huó, 疯子 fēng zi。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。


单词 job 的含义

工作 gōng zuò

noun (employment)

I need to find a new job.

一件工作 yí jiàn gōng zuò

noun (pieces of work)

As a translator, I complete two or three jobs each week.

作业 zuò yè

noun (task)

I have a little job for you, if you have five minutes.

职责 zhí zé

noun (responsibility)

When your father is away, it's your job to mind your little brother.

事 shì

noun (matter, state of affairs)

It's a good job you brought your umbrella.

犯罪行为 fàn zuì xíng wéi

noun (slang (robbery) (俚语)

He's doing time for that Credit Union job that went wrong.

一项交易的 yí xiàng jiāo yì de

noun as adjective (of a transaction)

We'll agree on a fair job rate.

倒卖 dǎo mài

transitive verb (buy in quantity and resell)

He jobs stocks for a living.

转包 zhuǎn bāo

transitive verb (subcontract) (工程等)

We could always job the project to someone else.


noun (Biblical character)


noun (book of Bible)

受苦者 shòu kǔ zhě

noun (figurative (suffering person)


noun (task that is performed well)

Congratulations on a job well done!

申请工作 shēn qǐng gōng zuò

verbal expression (reply to employment advertisement)

My only task for today is to apply for a job.

没有做好的事情 méi yǒu zuò hǎo de shì qíng

noun (informal (incompetence) (非正式用语)

Every time I give him something to do he does such a bad job.

口交 kǒu jiāo

noun (vulgar, slang (oral sex on a male)

Jonny asked his girlfriend to give him a blow job.

拙劣的工作 zhuō liè de gōng zuò

noun (informal ([sth] done poorly)

日常工作 rì cháng gōng zuò

noun (regular job)

获得成功 huò dé chéng gōng

verbal expression (informal (get the result you want)

理想职业 lǐ xiǎng zhí yè

noun (informal (desired or ideal occupation) (非正式用语)

My old job was a nightmare but this one's truly a dream job.


verbal expression (be hired for work)

全职工作 quán zhí gōng zuò

noun (job: 40 hours a week)

When we were children, my mother obtained a full-time job so that she could support us financially.

找到工作 zhǎo dào gōng zuò

verbal expression (informal (find employment) (非正式用语)

I need to get a job that pays well.


verbal expression (informal (do [sth] without delay)

干得不错 gàn de bú cuò

interjection (informal (expressing admiration)

That's an awesome painting. Good job!

幸运的是,幸好 xìng yùn de shì,xìng hǎo

interjection (UK, informal (it is fortunate)

Good job you remembered your umbrella!

很棒的工作,好极了,干得不错,(工作)完成得很不错 hěn bàng de gōng zuò,hǎo jí le ,gàn de bú cuò,gōng zuò wán chéng de hěn bú cuò

noun (informal (success) (非正式用语)

You did a great job on your math test.

手淫 shǒu yín

noun (slang (masturbation of the penis) (俚语,尤指男性)

I can't believe you gave him a hand job in his car!

苦差 kǔ chāi

noun (difficult occupation)

Long haul trucking is a hard job.

艰难的任务 jiān nán de rèn wù

noun (difficult task)

In this recession, we're going to have a hard job persuading the boss to spend money on new computers.

有份工作 yǒu fèn gōng zuò

verbal expression (be in employment)

做某事很困难,很吃力 hěn chī lì

verbal expression (slang (experience difficulty: doing [sth]) (俚语)

You'll have a job convincing him to give you a raise.

做…工作 zuò gōng zuò

transitive verb (be charged with)

I have the job of cleaning the swimming pool every week.


verbal expression (remain in employment)

After years of unemployment, John managed to hold down a job at the post office. I can never seem to hold down a job.


noun (temporary job during vacation)


noun (crime by [sb] within company)

Apparently, the jewelry store robbery was an inside job.

罢工 bà gōng

noun (industrial protest)

求职人员,求职者,应聘者 qiú zhí rén yuán

noun (candidate for an advertised post)

We have 300 job applicants but only five open positions.


noun (noticeboard advertising work vacancies)


noun (website advertising work vacancies)

就业中心,职业介绍所 zhí yè jiè shào suǒ

noun (UK (work support place)

分批成本核算 fēn pī chéng běn hé suàn

noun (method of expense accounting)

职位描述 zhí wèi miáo shù

noun (outline of a role's responsibilities)

I hate firing employees, but it's in my job description.

招聘会 zhāo pìn huì

noun (recruitment event)

You don't have to be unemployed to attend a job fair.


noun (search for employment)


noun (searching for employment)


adjective (related to job hunting)


noun (articles bought together)

They bought a job lot for a very good price.

就业市场 jiù yè shì chǎng

noun (employment available)

Our training courses should match the needs of the job market. The job market's weak right now, with very few positions available even for qualified workers.


noun (invitation to be hired for job)


noun (employment vacancy)


noun (employment vacancy)


noun (employee appraisal)

Every employee has a job performance review at the end of each year.


noun (advertisement for employees)


noun (contentment with work)

工作安全感 gōng zuò ān quán gǎn

noun (chances of staying in employment)

In the current economy, job security is a major concern of many employees.

找工作者 zhǎo gōng zuò zhě

noun (person looking for employment)


verbal expression (UK (work alongside [sb] for experience)


noun (working alongside [sb] for experience)

职位 zhí wèi

noun (name of a professional role)

Her job title was "Manager of Human Resources".

职业培训 zhí yè péi xùn

noun (learning professional skills)


plural noun (employment openings)


noun ([sb] looking for a job)

工作分享 gōng zuò fēn xiǎng

noun (employment arrangement)

做得好,在…方面干得不错 zuò de hǎo

verbal expression (informal (do [sth] well) (非正式用语)

Tim made a good job of painting the house.

令人厌恶的工作 lìng rén yàn wù de gōng zuò

noun (unpleasant task)

Cleaning the bathroom is a nasty job, but it must be done weekly. Unclogging a toilet is a nasty job, but someone has to do it.


noun (slang (cosmetic surgery on the nose)

零工 líng gōng

noun (usually plural (small manual task)

I wish we could find a handyman for odd jobs. During this recession, I know people who get by working odd jobs.

勤杂工,零工 qín zá gōng,líng gōng

noun (male who does manual tasks)

勤杂工, 杂工

noun (male who does casual manual work) (男性)


noun (work: clerical, administrative)

在工作 zài gōng zuò

expression (while working)

Apprentices are trained while on the job.


expression (slang (having sex)

The couple were on the job.


adjective (at work)

There is no substitute for on-the-job experience. These new systems will improve on-the-job communications significantly.

在职培训 zài zhí péi xùn

noun (apprenticeship, learning by doing)

I never took actual programming courses, but I had a lot of on-the-job training. Experience is not required; the company provides on-the-job training.

兼职工作 jiān zhí gōng zuò

noun (work: not full time)

When I was a student I had a part-time job working in a pub.

阴谋 yīn móu

noun (informal (scam, con)

解雇某人 jiě gù mǒu rén

verbal expression (dismiss or fire [sb])

第二职业 dì èr zhí yè

noun (for additional income)

Evelyn took a second job as a cleaner to pay all her bills.

欺骗 qī piàn

(attempt to deceive)


noun (job: stable and pays regularly)

接受一份工作 jiē shòu yí fèn gōng zuò

verbal expression (accept employment)

She needed money so badly that she took a job as a waitress in a seedy bar.


noun (short-term employment)

这样行得通。 zhè yàng xíng de tōng

interjection (informal (that will suffice) (非正式用语)

That'll do the job until you can get to a proper mechanic.

艰难的工作,棘手的活 jiān nán de gōng zuò,jí shǒu de huó

noun (informal (difficult task) (非正式用语)

It's a tough job, but somebody had to do it.

疯子 fēng zi

noun (slang, pejorative (insane person)

That guy over there is a whack job.

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