英语 中的 major 是什么意思?

英语 中的单词 major 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 major 的说明。

英语 中的major 表示较大的,较多的,较深的 jiào dà de ,jiào duō de ,jiào shēn de, 严重的 yán zhòng de, 少校 shào xiào, 专业 zhuān yè, 主修某专业的学生 zhǔ xiū mǒu zhuān yè de xué shēng, 主修 zhǔ xiū, 大调,大音阶 dà diào ,dà yīn jiē, 大音阶的 dà yīn jiē de, 大调的 dà diào de, 大多数的 dà duō shù de, 大前提 dà qián tí, 成年的 chéng nián de, 主音,主唱 zhǔ yīn ,zhǔ chàng, 大型公司, 鼓手 gǔ shǒu, 专业 zhuān yè, 少将, 职业联盟, 大联盟的 dà lián méng de, 大联盟 dà lián méng, 大型战役 dà xíng zhàn yì, 大手术 dà shǒu shù, 军士长 jūn shì zhǎng, 大熊(星)座 dà xióng xīng zuò。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。


单词 major 的含义

较大的,较多的,较深的 jiào dà de ,jiào duō de ,jiào shēn de

adjective (considerable) (数量、大小、程度等)

Melville was a major influence in his writing.

严重的 yán zhòng de

adjective (serious)

Illegal downloads pose a major threat to the music industry.

少校 shào xiào

noun (military rank) (军队)

After five years in the army, he attained the rank of major.

专业 zhuān yè

noun (US (university: main subject)

The most popular majors at this university are English, commerce, and economics.

主修某专业的学生 zhǔ xiū mǒu zhuān yè de xué shēng

noun (US (student: taking as a main subject)

I am a biology major.

主修 zhǔ xiū

(US (study as main subject) (学科、专业等)

She is majoring in physics.

大调,大音阶 dà diào ,dà yīn jiē

noun (music: key) (音乐)

The song was written in C-major.

大音阶的 dà yīn jiē de

adjective (music: scale) (音乐)

I need to practise my F major scale on the piano.

大调的 dà diào de

adjective (music: key) (音乐)

Pachelbel's D-major Canon is a well-known piece.

大多数的 dà duō shù de

adjective (majority)

We have already completed the major part of the drive there.

大前提 dà qián tí

adjective (premise: of a syllogism) (逻辑学)

In a syllogism, the major premise contains the term that is the predicate of the conclusion.

成年的 chéng nián de

noun (adult)

A major is a person who has reached adulthood.

主音,主唱 zhǔ yīn ,zhǔ chàng

noun (band: leading player) (乐队)

The drum major was in charge of the rest of the drummers.


noun (big company, etc.)

The record company that has signed the band is one of the majors.

鼓手 gǔ shǒu

noun (band leader)

The drum major was leading the band down the parade route.

专业 zhuān yè

noun (research: main area)

My major field of study is Greek, and I am minoring in art history.


noun (military officer) (军队)


noun (US (sports association) (美国体育,尤指棒球)

大联盟的 dà lián méng de

noun as adjective (US (of premier sports association)

大联盟 dà lián méng

plural noun (US (highest professional sports divisions)

大型战役 dà xíng zhàn yì

plural noun (military: large-scale manoeuvres)

大手术 dà shǒu shù

noun (serious operation)

My insurance covers both minor injuries and major surgery. He underwent major surgery and will be in the hospital for at least two weeks.

军士长 jūn shì zhǎng

noun (military officer)

大熊(星)座 dà xióng xīng zuò

noun (constellation) (星座)

I identified Ursa Major on the star chart.

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major 的相关词

你知道 英语

英语来自迁移到英格兰的日耳曼部落,经过 1400 多年的演变。 英语是世界上第三大语言,仅次于汉语和西班牙语。 它是学得最多的第二语言,也是近60个主权国家的官方语言。 与母语人士相比,这种语言有更多的第二语言和外语使用者。 英语也是联合国、欧盟和许多其他国际和区域组织的共同官方语言。 如今,世界各地的英语使用者都可以相对轻松地进行交流。