英语 中的 personal 是什么意思?

英语 中的单词 personal 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 personal 的说明。

英语 中的personal 表示个人的 gè rén de, 私人的 sī rén de, 个人用的 gè rén yòng de, 亲自的 qīn zì de, 密切的 mì qiè de, 亲密的 qīn mì de, 人称的 rén chēng de, 个人启事, 个人物品 gè rén wù pǐn, 个人抱负 gè rén bào fù, 个人形象 gè rén xíng xiàng, 个人助理 gè rén zhù lǐ, 个人财物 gè rén cái wù, 个人护理 gè rén hù lǐ, 个人选择 gè rén xuǎn zé, 个人的选择 gè rén de xuǎn zé, 个人电脑 gè rén diàn nǎo, 个人冲突 gè rén chōng tū, 私人信函 sī rén xìn hán, 个人资料 gè rén zī liào, 个人资料 gè rén zī liào, 私人物品 sī rén wù pǐn, 个人利益 gè rén lì yì, 个人识别码, 个人基本信息,个人身份信息, 个人敏感信息, 个人决断 gè rén jué duàn, 人身伤害, 私人信件 sī rén xìn jiàn, 个体自由 gè tǐ zì yóu, 人称代词 rén chēng dài cí, 个人财产 gè rén cái chǎn, 个人防护装备, 个人防护用品, 个人品质,个人素质, 人际关系, 个人义务 gè rén yì wù, 个人购物助理 gè rén gòu wù zhù lǐ, 个人空间 gè rén kōng jiān, 个人陈述, 个人(着装)风格 gè rén zhuó zhuāng fēng gé, 个人(表达)风格 gè rén biǎo dá fēng gé, 私人教练 sī rén jiào liàn, 个人防护用品,个人防护设备, 近距离地 jìn jù lí de。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。


单词 personal 的含义

个人的 gè rén de

adjective (individual)

You will need to give your address, and other personal data.

私人的 sī rén de

adjective (private)

This is personal information. Please do not repeat it to anyone else.

个人用的 gè rén yòng de

adjective (for a single person's use)

This is my personal coffee cup.

亲自的 qīn zì de

adjective (in person)

She gave the matter her personal attention.

密切的 mì qiè de

adjective (close)

We have had a personal working relationship for the last ten years.

亲密的 qīn mì de

adjective (intimate)

Yes, she and I had a personal relationship that lasted for three years.

人称的 rén chēng de

adjective (grammar: of a person) (语法)

The words 'she', 'him' and 'it' are personal pronouns.


plural noun (personal advertisements)

个人物品 gè rén wù pǐn

plural noun (personal effects)

个人抱负 gè rén bào fù

noun ([sth] one wants to achieve)

It was his personal ambition to conquer Everest.

个人形象 gè rén xíng xiàng

noun (grooming: how [sb] dresses, etc.)

Claire's always mindful of her personal appearance.

个人助理 gè rén zhù lǐ

noun (aide)

个人财物 gè rén cái wù

noun (often plural (possession)

个人护理 gè rén hù lǐ

noun (grooming and hygiene)

Personal care includes help with such things as washing, dressing, and eating.

个人选择 gè rén xuǎn zé

noun (free will) (指个人的自由意愿)

I can't force you to go to university; in the end, it's your own personal choice.

个人的选择 gè rén de xuǎn zé

noun ([sth] decided freely) (指个人自由决定之事)

个人电脑 gè rén diàn nǎo

noun (PC: computer for home, office)

个人冲突 gè rén chōng tū

noun (psychological struggle)

私人信函 sī rén xìn hán

noun (intimate letters)

I keep my personal correspondence in a locked drawer.

个人资料 gè rén zī liào

noun (information about a person)

I share my personal data with strangers on Facebook.

个人资料 gè rén zī liào

plural noun (name, address, etc.)

Please use this form to notify us of any changes to your personal details.

私人物品 sī rén wù pǐn

plural noun (belongings)

Mrs. Chen left her personal effects to her two sons in her will. // When he was fired, he had ten minutes to collect his personal effects from his desk.

个人利益 gè rén lì yì

noun ([sth] acquired, won for yourself)


noun (four-digit passcode)

For security reasons, do not write down your personal identification number anywhere.


noun ([sb]'s name, address, etc.)


noun (intimate details about [sb])

个人决断 gè rén jué duàn

noun (individual decision)


noun (injury to an individual)

After the accident, she looked for an attorney who would represent her in a personal injury lawsuit.

私人信件 sī rén xìn jiàn

noun (intimate correspondence)

The starlet enjoyed receiving personal letters from her many fans. In the age of texting and e-mail, the personal letter is in danger of becoming obsolete.

个体自由 gè tǐ zì yóu

noun (individual freedom)

人称代词 rén chēng dài cí

noun (grammar: I, you, our, his, etc.)

Instead of saying "Mary is here" we can replace 'Mary' with the personal pronoun 'she'.

个人财产 gè rén cái chǎn

noun ([sth] belonging to an individual)

There's no such thing as personal property in a commune.

个人防护装备, 个人防护用品

noun (clothing worn for safety)


plural noun (character traits, characteristics)

What kind of personal qualities do you look for in an employee?


noun (intimacy or friendship)

个人义务 gè rén yì wù

noun (individual's specific duty)

It is the personal responsibility of each individual to care for his neighbor.

个人购物助理 gè rén gòu wù zhù lǐ

noun ([sb] who does shopping for another)

Kylie has a job as a personal shopper for a large department store.

个人空间 gè rén kōng jiān



noun (university admissions essay) (申请大学时需提供的文件)

Be sure to write a unique and eloquent personal statement when you apply for graduate school.

个人(着装)风格 gè rén zhuó zhuāng fēng gé

noun (individual dress or fashion sense)

Many fashion trends start out as an individual's personal style.

个人(表达)风格 gè rén biǎo dá fēng gé

noun (individual expression)

私人教练 sī rén jiào liàn

noun (individual fitness advisor)


noun (initialism (personal protective equipment)

近距离地 jìn jù lí de

adverb (face to face, intimately) (比喻义)

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personal 的相关词

你知道 英语

英语来自迁移到英格兰的日耳曼部落,经过 1400 多年的演变。 英语是世界上第三大语言,仅次于汉语和西班牙语。 它是学得最多的第二语言,也是近60个主权国家的官方语言。 与母语人士相比,这种语言有更多的第二语言和外语使用者。 英语也是联合国、欧盟和许多其他国际和区域组织的共同官方语言。 如今,世界各地的英语使用者都可以相对轻松地进行交流。