英语 中的 push 是什么意思?

英语 中的单词 push 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 push 的说明。

英语 中的push 表示推 tuī, 压, 努力 nǔ lì, 推 tuī, 一时的冲动 yì shí de chōng dòng, 进攻,攻击 jìn gōng,gōng jī, 不断地推动 bú duàn de tuī dòng, 推挤着前行, 促使某人做某事 cù shǐ mǒu rén zuò mǒu shì, 兜售,贩售 dōu shòu, 推,朝…挤撞 tuī, 坚持前进, 推动..., 挣扎努力,奋力向前 fèn lì xiàng qián, 离开 lí kāi, 把…推来推去 bǎ tuī lái tuī qù, 摆布 bǎi bù, 把…推开, 抛开 pāo kāi, 推开 tuī kāi, 拒绝,抗拒 jù jué,kàng jù, 使撤退 shǐ chè tuì, 强烈地要求 qiáng liè de yāo qiú, 不断推进, 推进,推行 tuī jìn, 插队 chā duì, 插入、挤入(人群) chā rù jǐ rù rén qún, 把…推入, 走开 zǒu kāi, 动身 dòng shēn, 继续推行 jì xù tuī xíng, 对…施加压力 duì … shī jiā yā lì, 推开 tuī kāi, 挤出, 逐出, 排除, 开除, 推倒 tuī dǎo, 促成 cù chéng, 尽力的话,勉强 miǎn qiǎng, 电铃按钮, 向前推..., 长头扫帚,推式扫帚, 按钮 àn niǔ, 按键式的, 按下 àn xià, 按 àn, 推倒 tuī dǎo, 向下压,向下按 xiàng xià àn, 把...压进...里去, 走开!一边去!, 挺起, 排出 pái chū, 向外扩张, 向外推进, 让...崩溃, 打破常规,创新 dǎ pò cháng guī,chuàng xīn, 把...推上去, 抬高,推升 tái gāo, (拍卖时)抬高出价 pāi mài shí tái gāo chū jià, 得寸进尺,贪心不足, 挤着前移至,推搡着前行到, 发奋努力,拼尽全力, 努力去做, 通过推拉操作的,推挽式的, 推挽电路的, 俯卧撑 fǔ wò chēng, 聚拢型的, 上托型文胸, 到了紧要关头。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。


单词 push 的含义

推 tuī

transitive verb (shove, force)

If you want to get out, you need to push the door instead of pulling it. The rude man pushed the people out of the way.

transitive verb (press)

Push that button to start the blender.

努力 nǔ lì

noun (effort)

The last-minute push helped them reach a resolution.

推 tuī

noun (thrust)

The push against the car finally got it rolling.

一时的冲动 yì shí de chōng dòng

noun (US (impulse)

She bought the shoes on a push.

进攻,攻击 jìn gōng,gōng jī

noun (military: offensive) (军事)

The push to take the island was ordered by the general.

不断地推动 bú duàn de tuī dòng

intransitive verb (figurative (make persistent efforts)

I do not agree! Will you please stop pushing.


intransitive verb (move forcefully) (在人群中)

She pushed through the crowd.

促使某人做某事 cù shǐ mǒu rén zuò mǒu shì

transitive verb (urge, coerce)

He pushed her to go to the store with him.

兜售,贩售 dōu shòu

transitive verb (figurative (drugs, etc.: sell) (毒品等)

The young man was arrested for pushing drugs.

推,朝…挤撞 tuī

phrasal verb, transitive, inseparable (put up resistance to)

The crowd pushed against the barrier to try to see what was happening.


phrasal verb, intransitive (persevere)

Although the path was becoming very steep, the hikers decided to push ahead.


(persevere with)

挣扎努力,奋力向前 fèn lì xiàng qián

phrasal verb, intransitive (struggle to succeed)

The team played badly at first, but they pushed along and won the game.

离开 lí kāi

phrasal verb, intransitive (UK, informal (leave, go)

把…推来推去 bǎ tuī lái tuī qù

phrasal verb, transitive, separable (move or shove about)

摆布 bǎi bù

phrasal verb, transitive, separable (figurative (bully, order about)


phrasal verb, transitive, separable (shove to one side)

Fans pushed each other aside to get a position near the front of the stage. Julie pushed the brambles aside so that she could get past without being scratched.

抛开 pāo kāi

phrasal verb, transitive, separable (figurative (dismiss, disregard)

She decided to push aside all negative thoughts and thus became a happier person.

推开 tuī kāi

phrasal verb, transitive, separable (shove back) (动作)

The toddler pushed the bowl of porridge away.

拒绝,抗拒 jù jué,kàng jù

phrasal verb, transitive, separable (figurative (reject)

I wish Tom would talk to me about his worries instead of pushing me away.

使撤退 shǐ chè tuì

phrasal verb, transitive, separable (force to retreat)

The Austrians counter charged and pushed the Prussian cavalry back.

强烈地要求 qiáng liè de yāo qiú

phrasal verb, transitive, inseparable (create pressure in favour of)


phrasal verb, intransitive (keep advancing)

Hannibal's army pushed forward over the Alps.

推进,推行 tuī jìn

(proceed with despite obstacles) (不顾困难)

Although she did not receive enough financial aid, she pushed forward with her plan to attend the university.

插队 chā duì

phrasal verb, intransitive (UK, informal (jump a queue) (非正式用语)

I hate people who push in; they have no manners.

插入、挤入(人群) chā rù jǐ rù rén qún

phrasal verb, intransitive (US, informal (aggressively enter a group of people) (非正式用语)


phrasal verb, transitive, separable (crush [sth])

走开 zǒu kāi

phrasal verb, intransitive (slang (go away)

He tried to break up their fight but they both told him to push off.

动身 dòng shēn

phrasal verb, intransitive (slang (leave)

We'd better push off; it's almost dark.

继续推行 jì xù tuī xíng

phrasal verb, intransitive (figurative (persevere, keep going)

对…施加压力 duì … shī jiā yā lì

phrasal verb, transitive, inseparable (literal (exert pressure against)

推开 tuī kāi

phrasal verb, transitive, separable (open by leaning or shoving)

挤出, 逐出, 排除, 开除

phrasal verb, transitive, separable (figurative (exclude, oust)

Her clique pushed her out when she made a major social faux pas.

推倒 tuī dǎo

phrasal verb, transitive, separable (shove to the ground)

促成 cù chéng

phrasal verb, transitive, separable (figurative (force to accept)

The government pushed the bill through despite the protests of many members of their party.

尽力的话,勉强 miǎn qiǎng

adverb (UK, informal (with difficulty)


noun (UK (button that activates a bell)


(move [sth] forward)

Trevor walked into the supermarket, pushing the trolley ahead.


noun (long-handled brush for sweeping)

At night, the school janitor uses a push broom to clean all the classrooms.

按钮 àn niǔ

noun (control knob)


adjective (control knob: pressed)

Modern cars have push-button radio controls.

按下 àn xià

(apply pressure)

Push down on the table leaf to fold it out of the way.

按 àn

(press downwards)

Push the lever down to start the pump.

推倒 tuī dǎo

(cause to fall)

The cows pushed down the fence to get to the grass.

向下压,向下按 xiàng xià àn

(hold down by pressing)

I'll push the branch down while you climb over it.


(press [sth] inside [sth])

Push the chocolate chips into the top of the muffins before you bake them.


interjection (slang (go away)

Push off! Go away and annoy someone else!


(force outwards)

"Look how full I am," said Dave, pushing his belly out.

排出 pái chū

(expel from body) (从身体中)

向外扩张, 向外推进

(expand outwards)

Scientists have posited that the universe is pushing out faster than previously thought.


verbal expression (figurative (cause [sb] to lose self-control)

Hunger pushed the little girl over the edge and she stole a loaf of bread from the bakery.

打破常规,创新 dǎ pò cháng guī,chuàng xīn

verbal expression (figurative (go beyond typical limit)

Although it's considered tame now, in the 1960s, that TV show really pushed the envelope.


(thrust, press upwards)

This bra pushes up your bust.

抬高,推升 tái gāo

(figurative (price, bid: force to rise) (价格等)

The town's popularity as a tourist destination has pushed up house prices.

(拍卖时)抬高出价 pāi mài shí tái gāo chū jià

verbal expression (force amounts bid to increase)

A couple of rival private collectors pushed the bidding up to ridiculous levels.


verbal expression (be too confident)


verbal expression (move by shoving)

He rudely pushed his way to the stage.


transitive verb and reflexive pronoun (strive hard, do one's utmost)

Olympic athletes sometimes push themselves too hard when training, and cause injuries to themselves.


verbal expression (strive hard to do [sth])


adjective (operated by pushing and pulling)


adjective (electronics: out of phase) (电子学)

俯卧撑 fǔ wò chēng

noun (usually plural (arm exercise)

The fitness instructor asked the class to do 20 push-ups.


adjective (underwear: lifts the breasts) (胸罩)


noun (woman's undergarment)


expression (when things become difficult)

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你知道 英语

英语来自迁移到英格兰的日耳曼部落,经过 1400 多年的演变。 英语是世界上第三大语言,仅次于汉语和西班牙语。 它是学得最多的第二语言,也是近60个主权国家的官方语言。 与母语人士相比,这种语言有更多的第二语言和外语使用者。 英语也是联合国、欧盟和许多其他国际和区域组织的共同官方语言。 如今,世界各地的英语使用者都可以相对轻松地进行交流。