英语 中的 see 是什么意思?

英语 中的单词 see 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 see 的说明。

英语 中的see 表示看见 kàn jiàn, 看, 辨认出 biàn rèn chū, 看, 看望 kàn wàng, 咨询 zī xún, 理解 lǐ jiě, 明白 míng bái, 理解 lǐ jiě, 主教职位 zhǔ jiào zhí wèi, 把某人视为, 认为某人是, 看看 kàn kàn, 看见 kàn jiàn, 看看,瞧 kàn kàn,qiáo, 想象出, 同意 tóng yì, 认为…是 rèn wéi shì, 确定 què dìng, 与…约会 yǔ yuē huì, 与…交往 yǔ … jiāo wǎng, 接待 jiē dài, 与…下相同的赌注 yǔ xià xiāng tóng de dǔ zhù, 见证过 jiàn zhèng guò, 注意到 zhù yì dào, [字母表的第三个字母] [ zì mǔ biǎo de dì sān gè zì mǔ ], C等, C 音,C 调, 摄氏度 shè shì dù, 看见,会见 kàn jiàn ,huì jiàn, 世纪 shì jì, 约, 办理 bàn lǐ, 考虑 kǎo lǜ, 照顾 zhào gù, 迎进来 yíng jìn lái, 预见 yù jiàn, 看…的内部 kàn de nèi bù, 看穿 kàn chuān, 赶走 gǎn zǒu, 为(某人)送行 wèi ( mǒu rén ) sòng xíng, 送某人出门 sòng mǒu rén chū mén, 道别 dào bié, 查看 chá kàn, 看淡, 看透, 把…做完 bǎ … zuò wán, 足以让…维持下去, 照顾 zhào gù, 在我看来 zài wǒ kàn lái, 几乎看不见 jī hū kàn bú jiàn, 几乎看不见 jī hū kàn bú jiàn, 一叶障目,不见森林, 见到你很高兴 jiàn dào nǐ hěn gāo xìng, 圣座 shèng zuò, 我明白了 wǒ míng bái le, 好久不见 hǎo jiǔ bú jiàn, 快速检查, 让某人明白某事, 必须看的,值得一看的,非看不可的 bì xū kàn de,zhí dé yí kàn de,fēi kàn bù kě de, 参见上文, 参见下文 cān jiàn xià wén, 看到(问题的)两面 kàn dào ( wèn tí de ) liǎng miàn, 公正对待..., 看到完成的希望, 看到成功的希望, (因为酒醉)把一个看成两个 yīn wèi jiǔ zuì bǎ yí gè kàn chéng liǎng gè, 相互交往, 看法一致 kàn fǎ yí zhì, 认为适合 rèn wéi shì hé, 迎来 yíng lái, 从一个全新的角度看, 确保正义得到声张 què bǎo zhèng yì dé dào shēng zhāng, 明白事理, 怒火冲天 nù huǒ chōng tiān, 看出…之间的区别 kàn chū zhī jiān de qū bié, 预见未来 yù jiàn wèi lái, 最后一次见到,不会再见到, 明白 míng bái, 开始存在 kāi shǐ cún zài, 可以看到...内部, 看穿,看透 kàn chuān, 处理,办理 chǔ lǐ,bàn lǐ, 护送…到门口, 看看能做些什么 kàn kàn néng zuò xiē shén me, 用自己的眼睛去看 yòng zì jǐ de yǎn jīng qù kàn, 再见,回头见 zài jiàn ,huí tóu jiàn, 下次再见! xià cì zài jiàn, 拜拜啦伙计, 回头见!, 回头见 huí tóu jiàn, 到时候见!, 到那儿见! dào nà er jiàn, 明天见, 再见! zài jiàn, 透明的 tòu míng de, 跷跷板 qiāo qiāo bǎn, 摇摆不定, 反复波动, 上下移动, 上下动 shàng xià dòng, 拭目以待, 你看, 我会让你知道我是对的, 你等着瞧。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。


单词 see 的含义

看见 kàn jiàn

intransitive verb (have sight) (视力)

I can't see. Can you turn on the light?

transitive verb (observe)

Have you ever seen such a big book?

辨认出 biàn rèn chū

transitive verb (make out)

Can you see that hill in the distance?

transitive verb (view)

Have you seen her latest film?

看望 kàn wàng

transitive verb (visit)

I'd like to go and see Aunt June this weekend.

咨询 zī xún

transitive verb (consult)

I need to see a doctor.

理解 lǐ jiě

transitive verb (perceive)

I see the situation differently.

明白 míng bái

transitive verb (figurative (understand)

I see what you're saying, but I still don't agree.

理解 lǐ jiě

intransitive verb (understand)

I see. So that's why you weren't home.

主教职位 zhǔ jiào zhí wèi

noun (ecclesiastic office)

The see was left vacant until a new bishop was appointed.

把某人视为, 认为某人是

verbal expression (consider [sb] to be [sth])

The students see their teacher as a role model.

看看 kàn kàn

intransitive verb (find out)

I'll see if my father knows anything about it.

看见 kàn jiàn

intransitive verb (observe)

Those who saw said it was a terrible sight.

看看,瞧 kàn kàn,qiáo

intransitive verb (look at the situation) (表示继续关注)

Let's see, what do we need to do next?


transitive verb (visualize)

I can just see the look on his face!

同意 tóng yì

transitive verb (find acceptable)

Yes, I definitely see that. What a great plan!

认为…是 rèn wéi shì

transitive verb (regard as, consider)

I see her as a future prime minister.

确定 què dìng

transitive verb (assure)

He looked all around to see that no one was present.

与…约会 yǔ yuē huì

transitive verb (date)

We've been seeing each other for three weeks.

与…交往 yǔ … jiāo wǎng

transitive verb (keep company with)

You've been seeing a lot of those boys lately, haven't you?

接待 jiē dài

transitive verb (attend to)

The doctor will see you now.

与…下相同的赌注 yǔ xià xiāng tóng de dǔ zhù

transitive verb (gambling: accept a bet) (赌博)

I'll see your hundred, and raise you a hundred.

见证过 jiàn zhèng guò

transitive verb (know)

This boat has seen better days.

注意到 zhù yì dào

transitive verb (notice)

I see the miners have gone on strike again, according to the paper.

[字母表的第三个字母] [ zì mǔ biǎo de dì sān gè zì mǔ ]

noun (3rd letter of alphabet)

Does your surname begin with a C or a K?


noun (school grade: pass) (成绩)

If I can manage to get a C in physics, I will be able to graduate on time.

C 音,C 调

noun (musical note) (音乐)

If I sing this in the key of C I can hit the high notes.

摄氏度 shè shì dù

noun (temperature: centigrade, celsius) (温度)

Water freezes at 0 degrees C.

看见,会见 kàn jiàn ,huì jiàn

transitive verb (textspeak, abbreviation (see) (see的简写)

C U 2nite! [See you tonight!]

世纪 shì jì

(written abbreviation (century) (简写)

preposition (written abbreviation (circa) (简写)

办理 bàn lǐ

phrasal verb, transitive, inseparable (informal (attend to, deal with)

Our guests will be here soon, so I'd better see about getting some food prepared.

考虑 kǎo lǜ

phrasal verb, transitive, inseparable (informal (consider)

You want to go out tonight? Well, we'll see about that when you've finished all your homework.

照顾 zhào gù

phrasal verb, transitive, inseparable (US (look after, take care of)

迎进来 yíng jìn lái

phrasal verb, transitive, separable (welcome and show in)

预见 yù jiàn

phrasal verb, transitive, inseparable (predict: the future)

A clairvoyant can see into the future.

看…的内部 kàn de nèi bù

phrasal verb, transitive, inseparable (look inside)

I could see into the house through the ground-floor window.

看穿 kàn chuān

phrasal verb, transitive, inseparable (figurative (know real nature of)

I could see into the politician's real motives by closely examining his parliamentary speeches.

赶走 gǎn zǒu

phrasal verb, transitive, separable (informal (chase away or dismiss)

The dog saw off the cat that was eating its food.

为(某人)送行 wèi ( mǒu rén ) sòng xíng

phrasal verb, transitive, separable (say farewell to)

He came to the airport with me to see me off. I'll drive you to the station and see you off.

送某人出门 sòng mǒu rén chū mén

phrasal verb, transitive, separable (show to the door)

道别 dào bié

phrasal verb, transitive, separable (bid farewell to)

It was very late when he saw the last of the guests out.

查看 chá kàn

phrasal verb, transitive, inseparable (UK (building: tour, inspect)


phrasal verb, transitive, inseparable (informal, figurative (disregard: negative aspects of)


phrasal verb, transitive, inseparable (not be mislead by)

把…做完 bǎ … zuò wán

phrasal verb, transitive, separable (informal (task, project: complete)

It won't be easy, but we'll see this project through.


phrasal verb, transitive, separable (informal (be sufficient)

$150 a week is enough to see you through.

照顾 zhào gù

phrasal verb, transitive, inseparable (informal (tend or attend to)

Your bicycle has a flat tire, sir? We'll see to it right away.

在我看来 zài wǒ kàn lái

adverb (in my opinion)

几乎看不见 jī hū kàn bú jiàn

(have difficulty seeing)

She could barely see the road through the thick snow.

几乎看不见 jī hū kàn bú jiàn

verbal expression (have poor sight)


verbal expression (cannot see the big picture)

Gina can't see the wood for the trees; she's concentrating too much on the details.

见到你很高兴 jiàn dào nǐ hěn gāo xìng

expression (happy to meet you again)

圣座 shèng zuò

noun (Vatican) (指罗马教廷)

On Monday, the Holy See released a statement condemning the violence and calling for a peaceful resolution to the crisis.

我明白了 wǒ míng bái le

interjection (I understand)

So, you don't like this office? I see. We'll try to get you moved as soon as possible.

好久不见 hǎo jiǔ bú jiàn

interjection (slang (I haven't seen you for a long time) (俚语)

Hey, Andrew! Long time no see!


noun (informal (quick inspection, look)


verbal expression (help [sb] understand)

I wish I could make him see how much I love him.

必须看的,值得一看的,非看不可的 bì xū kàn de,zhí dé yí kàn de,fēi kàn bù kě de

adjective (informal ([sth] recommended to be seen) (非正式用语)

Citizen Kane is one of the must-see movies of all time.


verbal expression (document: refers to earlier text)

参见下文 cān jiàn xià wén

(written (refer to text, etc., further down)

看到(问题的)两面 kàn dào ( wèn tí de ) liǎng miàn

verbal expression (figurative (be impartial)

Even though you see both sides, you still have to make a decision.


verbal expression (figurative (be impartial)

You have to demonstrate in your essay that you can see both sides of the argument.


verbal expression (figurative, informal (reach the end of a project)

After working 15 hours a day on it for three weeks, he finally started to see daylight.


verbal expression (figurative (come to fruition)

I thought your trip round the world would never see daylight.

(因为酒醉)把一个看成两个 yīn wèi jiǔ zuì bǎ yí gè kàn chéng liǎng gè

verbal expression (have blurred vision)

I thought I was seeing double, but it was just that my glasses were steamed up. Those are twins? I thought I was seeing double!


verbal expression (informal (be dating)

看法一致 kàn fǎ yí zhì

verbal expression (figurative (agree)

We don't always see eye to eye.

认为适合 rèn wéi shì hé

transitive verb (consider appropriate: to do [sth])

Only use as much paint as you see fit.

迎来 yíng lái

verbal expression (celebrate changing of year)

How did you see in the New Year?


verbal expression (figurative (fresh perspective)

Since they repainted the town hall I'm seeing it in a new light.

确保正义得到声张 què bǎo zhèng yì dé dào shēng zhāng

verbal expression (ensure fairness)

I don't want revenge; all I want is to see justice done.


verbal expression (be persuaded to act sensibly)

怒火冲天 nù huǒ chōng tiān

verbal expression (figurative (get angry)

When he insulted my girlfriend I saw red and hit him.

看出…之间的区别 kàn chū zhī jiān de qū bié

verbal expression (distinguish between)

She could not see the difference between the identical twins. I do not see the difference between the candidates' economic plans.

预见未来 yù jiàn wèi lái

verbal expression (know what will happen)

She claims she can see the future just by reading your hand. If I could see the future, it just might scare me to death.


verbal expression (informal (not encounter [sb] anymore)

明白 míng bái

verbal expression (figurative (understand)

After Ann explained it to me I could finally see the light.

开始存在 kāi shǐ cún zài

verbal expression (figurative (come into being)

Your plan is so bad it will never see the light of day.


(look through)

I can see through your curtains! Maybe you should get some thicker ones?

看穿,看透 kàn chuān

(figurative (not be deceived)

Mom can always see through your excuses.

处理,办理 chǔ lǐ,bàn lǐ

verbal expression (informal (ensure, make sure)

See to it that you're home by midnight, or you'll be grounded.


verbal expression (show out)

Would you see Mrs. Barlow to the door, please?

看看能做些什么 kàn kàn néng zuò xiē shén me

verbal expression (try to find solution)

The mechanic said he'd see what can be done to repair my car.

用自己的眼睛去看 yòng zì jǐ de yǎn jīng qù kàn

verbal expression (informal (witness at first hand)

I would never have believed it if I hadn't seen it with my own eyes.

再见,回头见 zài jiàn ,huí tóu jiàn

interjection (slang (see you: goodbye for now) (俚语)

下次再见! xià cì zài jiàn

interjection (informal (goodbye until we meet again) (非正式用语)

I have to go now - see you again soon!


interjection (informal, humorous (goodbye) (幽默,非正式用语)


interjection (informal (Goodbye for now!)

回头见 huí tóu jiàn

interjection (informal (goodbye for now)

See you soon, Edna!


interjection (informal (Goodbye for now!)

到那儿见! dào nà er jiàn

interjection (informal (goodbye until a given future event)


interjection (informal (goodbye until next day)

Geoff called out "See you tomorrow!" to his colleagues as he left the office.

再见! zài jiàn

interjection (informal (Goodbye for now!)

透明的 tòu míng de

adjective (informal (transparent)

Her see-through shirt leaves nothing to the imagination.

跷跷板 qiāo qiāo bǎn

noun (child's playground toy) (一种儿童的玩具设施)

The sisters played on the seesaw together.

摇摆不定, 反复波动

noun (figurative (back-and-forth situation or struggle)

My last boyfriend was very moody; our relationship was an emotional seesaw.


intransitive verb (move back and forth, up and down)

上下动 shàng xià dòng

intransitive verb (figurative (move back and forth, up and down)

The price of the company's stocks seesawed after a leak revealed a possible change in management.


verbal expression (wait to find out)

Wait and see. You might win the prize.


expression (please understand)

I need money to buy new shoes, you see.


interjection (informal (I'll show you I'm right)


interjection (informal (I'll show you I'm right)

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你知道 英语

英语来自迁移到英格兰的日耳曼部落,经过 1400 多年的演变。 英语是世界上第三大语言,仅次于汉语和西班牙语。 它是学得最多的第二语言,也是近60个主权国家的官方语言。 与母语人士相比,这种语言有更多的第二语言和外语使用者。 英语也是联合国、欧盟和许多其他国际和区域组织的共同官方语言。 如今,世界各地的英语使用者都可以相对轻松地进行交流。