英语 中的 sound 是什么意思?

英语 中的单词 sound 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 sound 的说明。

英语 中的sound 表示吵杂声, 声音 shēng yīn, 声音 shēng yīn, 听起来 tīng qǐ lái, 声音和…很像 shēng yīn hé hěn xiàng, 好像 hǎo xiàng, 听起来像…,听上去像…, 健康的 jiàn kāng de, 明智的 míng zhì de, 彻底的 chè dǐ de, 合理的 hé lǐ de, 可靠的,稳当的,有赚钱把握的 kě kào de ,wěn dàng de, 彻底地 chè dǐ de, 海峡 hǎi xiá, 音乐风格 yīn yuè fēng gé, 产生回声 chǎn shēng huí shēng, 被听到 bèi tīng dào, 发出…声音 fā chū shēng yīn, 用声音来测量或探测, 阐述 chǎn shù, 打听 dǎ tīng, 认真拼读, 回响, 回荡, 探测 tàn cè, 感觉不对劲, 动物的吼叫声 dòng wù de hǒu jiào shēng, 超过音速 chāo guò yīn sù, 咔哒声 kā dā shēng, 发出声音 fā chū shēng yīn, 弄出响声 nòng chū xiǎng shēng, 心智健全的 xīn zhì jiàn quán de, 平安无事的 píng ān wú shì de, 合理建议, 酣睡的 hān shuì de, 音障,声障, 可靠的根据, 音响效果 yīn xiǎng xiào guǒ, 心智健全 xīn zhì jiàn quán, 混音师 hùn yīn shī, 声音合成器 shēng yīn hé chéng qì, 探寻某人对某事的看法, (影片)录音师 yǐng piàn lù yīn shī, 录音 lù yīn, 音响设备 yīn xiǎng shè bèi, 音响技师,录音师, 发警报 fā jǐng bào, 声波, 演说片段 yǎn shuō piàn duàn, 电影配乐 diàn yǐng pèi yuè, 声带 shēng dài, 环绕声 huán rào shēng, 元音 yuán yīn, 白噪音。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。


单词 sound 的含义


noun (individual noise)

I heard a sound.

声音 shēng yīn

noun (auditory effect)

They awoke to the sound of gunfire.

声音 shēng yīn

noun (uncountable (physics: vibrations in ear) (物理学)

Sound is the vibration of a substance such as air, water, or other material.

听起来 tīng qǐ lái

intransitive verb (seem)

His words sounded strange. Is that the right word? It sounds wrong.

声音和…很像 shēng yīn hé hěn xiàng

(have same sound as)

My kids call it music, but their band sounds like noise to me.

好像 hǎo xiàng

verbal expression (would seem)

It sounds as though you could do with a vacation!


(informal (would seem that)

From what you say, it sounds like he's an unpleasant person.

健康的 jiàn kāng de

adjective (health: good)

He's in sound health for his age.

明智的 míng zhì de

adjective (sensible)

That's a sound idea.

彻底的 chè dǐ de

adjective (thorough)

She fell into a sound sleep.

合理的 hé lǐ de

adjective (basis, argument: reliable)

Panic is not a sound basis for government policy.

可靠的,稳当的,有赚钱把握的 kě kào de ,wěn dàng de

adjective (investment: secure) (投资)

Buying shares in that company may not be a sound investment.

彻底地 chè dǐ de

adverb (thoroughly)

She's sound asleep.

海峡 hǎi xiá

noun (channel of water)

They sailed along the sound towards the sea.

音乐风格 yīn yuè fēng gé

noun (informal (music style)

I really like that band's sound.

产生回声 chǎn shēng huí shēng

intransitive verb (resonate)

An echo sounded in the room.

被听到 bèi tīng dào

intransitive verb (be heard, ring)

Bells sounded throughout the city.

发出…声音 fā chū shēng yīn

transitive verb (alarm, etc.: set off)

The firefighter sounded the alarm.


transitive verb (probe)

We have sounded the depths of the ocean.

阐述 chǎn shù

phrasal verb, intransitive (give one's opinion, complain)

This radio station is mostly talk shows with people sounding off about their pet peeves.

打听 dǎ tīng

phrasal verb, transitive, separable (figurative, informal (elicit the opinion of)

I wonder what Jason thinks of the plan? We should sound him out.


phrasal verb, transitive, separable (pronounce carefully: letters, etc.)

回响, 回荡

phrasal verb, intransitive (resound loudly)

The church bell sounded out across the valley.

探测 tàn cè

phrasal verb, transitive, separable (measure the depth of) (深浅)


expression (figurative, informal (you have misgivings about [sth])

动物的吼叫声 dòng wù de hǒu jiào shēng

noun (animal's call or cry)

超过音速 chāo guò yīn sù

verbal expression (go faster than sound)

When a plane breaks the sound barrier it produces a sonic boom that sounds like an explosion.

咔哒声 kā dā shēng

noun (noise: ticking, tapping)

My computer's hard drive makes a clicking sound that drives me nuts.

发出声音 fā chū shēng yīn

verbal expression (utter a noise)

Don't make a sound till he's gone - I don't want him to know we're here.

弄出响声 nòng chū xiǎng shēng

verbal expression (create a noise)

My clock makes a sound like a bird when it strikes the hour.

心智健全的 xīn zhì jiàn quán de

adjective (sane)

Being of sound mind, I hereby bequeath all my possessions to my husband and daughter.

平安无事的 píng ān wú shì de

adjective (unharmed and well)

The road was icy but our driver got us home safe and sound.


noun (sensible recommendation)

酣睡的 hān shuì de

adjective (sleeping deeply)

When they're sound asleep my kids look like little angels. I thought my sneeze would wake her but she was sound asleep.


noun (travel at speed of sound)


noun (sensible grounds)

音响效果 yīn xiǎng xiào guǒ

noun (often plural (noises reproduced artificially)

A good action movie needs excellent sound effects.

心智健全 xīn zhì jiàn quán

noun (sanity)

All we can hope for as we grow older is a sound mind in a healthy body.

混音师 hùn yīn shī

noun (person who records film sound)

Most professional sound mixers do their work with computers these days.

声音合成器 shēng yīn hé chéng qì

noun (deck or console for mixing sound)


verbal expression (figurative, informal (elicit [sb]'s opinion about [sth])

He said he wanted to sound me out about his latest business idea.

(影片)录音师 yǐng piàn lù yīn shī

noun ([sb] who records film sound)

He worked at the studio as a sound recorder and made good money doing so.

录音 lù yīn

noun (soundtrack, auditory reproduction)

This sound recording of the band was made in 1940.

音响设备 yīn xiǎng shè bèi

noun (equipment for playing music)


noun (performance, recording: audio engineer)

发警报 fā jǐng bào

verbal expression (alert or warn others)

When the watchman saw the invaders coming, he sounded the alarm to call for help.


noun (physics)

演说片段 yǎn shuō piàn duàn

noun (short statement, quotation)

电影配乐 diàn yǐng pèi yuè

noun (music of a film)

The soundtrack featured a lot of 1960s music.

声带 shēng dài

noun (audio track of a film) (电影)

The soundtrack was terrible but luckily there were subtitles.

环绕声 huán rào shēng

noun (multi-speaker stereo system)

Home cinema systems are equipped with surround sound features.

元音 yuán yīn

noun (spoken language: open sound) (口语)


noun (steady background noise)

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sound 的相关词

你知道 英语

英语来自迁移到英格兰的日耳曼部落,经过 1400 多年的演变。 英语是世界上第三大语言,仅次于汉语和西班牙语。 它是学得最多的第二语言,也是近60个主权国家的官方语言。 与母语人士相比,这种语言有更多的第二语言和外语使用者。 英语也是联合国、欧盟和许多其他国际和区域组织的共同官方语言。 如今,世界各地的英语使用者都可以相对轻松地进行交流。