英语 中的 third 是什么意思?

英语 中的单词 third 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 third 的说明。

英语 中的third 表示第三的 dì sān de, 第三名的, 第三名 dì sān míng, 第三个 dì sān gè, 三分之一 sān fēn zhī yī, 三分之一 sān fēn zhī yī, 三世, 第三 dì sān, 第三档 dì sān dàng, 第三音 dì sān yīn, 三号,三日, 3号,3日, 第三交响曲, 三分之一的, 三垒 sān lěi, 三垒选手 sān lěi xuǎn shǒu, 第三名 dì sān míng, 三等,三级, 较差的 jiào chà de, 第三条件句, 三度的,三级的, 三年级, 第三方 dì sān fāng, 第三党 dì sān dǎng, 第三人称 dì sān rén chēng, 第三人称的, 三流球员,三线替补, 次等的,较差的 cì děng de,jiào chà de, 电灯泡,累赘 diàn dēng pào ,léi zhuì, 第三世界 dì sān shì jiè, 第三世界的, 第三方承包商, 三流的 sān liú de, 第三世界国家 dì sān shì jiè guó jiā, 第 23 个的, 第 23 个, 这个月 23 日, 23 日。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。


单词 third 的含义

第三的 dì sān de

adjective (3rd in a series or list)

This was the third time he was lied to. The players in the third division are not paid.


adjective (in race, competition: placed 3rd)

I was third in the 100-metre freestyle.

第三名 dì sān míng

adverb (race, competition: in 3rd place)

The runner was pleased to have come in third.

第三个 dì sān gè

noun (in a series, list: 3rd item, person)

On the list of tasks, third is mopping the floor.

三分之一 sān fēn zhī yī

noun (fraction: 3rd part)

She only ate a third of the sandwich.

三分之一 sān fēn zhī yī

adverb (extent: 1/3)

The glass of water was a third full.


noun (3rd monarch with specified name) (君主)

King James the Third died in battle. Charles III became king of Spain in 1759.

第三 dì sān

adverb (introducing third point) (引入第三个论点)

First, I don't feel like going out; second, it's late; and third, the weather is bad.

第三档 dì sān dàng

noun (3rd automobile gear)

He downshifted to third to pass the truck.

第三音 dì sān yīn

noun (musical interval) (音乐术语)

If you transpose down a third, the piece will be easier to play.


noun (third day of the month) (日期)

I have a haircut on the 3rd.


noun (UK (third day of specified month) (一个月的第三天)

James and Lucy celebrated their 20th wedding anniversary on the third of May.


noun (music: 3rd symphony, etc.)

The orchestra played Brahms's Third.


adjective (of 1/3, 33.3 per cent)

She has a one-third share in the business.

三垒 sān lěi

noun (baseball: last of three bases that must be touched by runner) (棒球)

The player made it to third base.

三垒选手 sān lěi xuǎn shǒu

noun (baseball: fielding player at third base)

A third baseman's reflexes should be exceptional.

第三名 dì sān míng

adjective (ranked below second best)

After the races they gave out awards and I was third best. She tried and she tried but she only got third best.


noun (rank below second)

较差的 jiào chà de

adjective (inferior)


noun (grammar: for impossible situations) (英语语法)

The third conditional is used for talking about past events that cannot be changed.


noun as adjective (burns: severe, deep) (烧伤:严重的)


noun (US (school year: age 8-9)

第三方 dì sān fāng

noun (independent or additional person or group)

We're designing the building ourselves, but a third party will build it.

第三党 dì sān dǎng

noun (political group additional to 2 main parties)

In the UK in 2010 the third party entered a coalition with one of the two major parties.

第三人称 dì sān rén chēng

noun (grammar: he, they) (语法)

When I say "he spoke", I'm using the verb in the third person.


noun as adjective (narrative: in the third person)

Most novels are written in the third-person narrative mode.


noun (American football: players ranked third in ability) (美式橄榄球)

次等的,较差的 cì děng de,jiào chà de

adjective (figurative (inferior) (比喻)

电灯泡,累赘 diàn dēng pào ,léi zhuì

noun (odd person out among three people) (人)

第三世界 dì sān shì jiè

noun (poor, developing countries)

People in rich countries don't do enough to help people in the Third World.


noun as adjective (of, in developing countries)


noun (external freelancer or consultant)

三流的 sān liú de

adjective (low quality)

第三世界国家 dì sān shì jiè guó jiā

noun (nation: poor, developing)

第 23 个的

adjective (item, person: 23rd in a series or list) (项目、物件、人等)

第 23 个

noun (in a series, list: 23rd item, person)

这个月 23 日

noun (twenty-third day of the month) (日期)

Sorry I missed your birthday; I thought it was the 23rd, not the 21st.

23 日

noun (UK (twenty-third day of specified month) (某个月的)

The 23rd of May marks ten years since we moved into this house.

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third 的相关词

你知道 英语

英语来自迁移到英格兰的日耳曼部落,经过 1400 多年的演变。 英语是世界上第三大语言,仅次于汉语和西班牙语。 它是学得最多的第二语言,也是近60个主权国家的官方语言。 与母语人士相比,这种语言有更多的第二语言和外语使用者。 英语也是联合国、欧盟和许多其他国际和区域组织的共同官方语言。 如今,世界各地的英语使用者都可以相对轻松地进行交流。