英语 中的 fashion 是什么意思?
英语 中的单词 fashion 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 fashion 的说明。
英语 中的fashion 表示流行样式 liú xíng yàng shì, 时装界 shí zhuāng jiè, 方式 fāng shì, 制造,制作 zhì zào,zhì zuò, 上流社会 shàng liú shè huì, 设计师定制时装, 时尚配饰,时尚配件, 时尚品牌, 时装设计师 shí zhuāng shè jì shī, 时装设计公司, 时尚杂志,时装杂志, 时装模特, 时尚嗅觉,时尚品味,时尚感, 时装表演, 赶时髦的 gǎn shí máo de, 时尚前沿的, 前卫的, 不再时髦,不再流行 bú zài shí máo,bú zài liú xíng, 最新时尚 zuì xīn shí shàng, 顶级新潮,风尚标 dǐng jí xīn cháo,fēng shàng biāo, 勉强地 miǎn qiǎng de, 及时, 流行的 liú xíng de, 当下最时髦的事物 dāng xià zuì shí máo de shì wù, 过时地 guò shí de, 过时的 guò shí de。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。
单词 fashion 的含义
流行样式 liú xíng yàng shìnoun (trend) Pointy shoes are the fashion this year. 尖头鞋是今年的流行款式。 |
时装界 shí zhuāng jiènoun (world of clothing) I have always wanted to work in fashion. 我总想在时装界工作。 |
方式 fāng shìnoun (manner) He completed the work in a sloppy fashion. 他以一种草率的方式完成了工作。 |
制造,制作 zhì zào,zhì zuòtransitive verb (shape, make) (手工) In some parts of the world, they fashion car parts from scrap metal. 在世界某些地方,人们用废金属制造汽车零件。 |
上流社会 shàng liú shè huìnoun (high society) She thinks she is better than us, and likes to associate with the fashion. 她认为自己比我们优越,喜欢和上流社会交往。 |
设计师定制时装noun (French (designer clothing) Who can afford couture fashions these days? |
时尚配饰,时尚配件noun (jewelry, belt, etc.) |
时尚品牌noun (designer label) |
时装设计师 shí zhuāng shè jì shīnoun (creator of clothing designs) (尤指女性) She worked as a fashion designer at a clothing company. 她在一家服装公司做时装设计师。 |
时装设计公司noun (company: designer clothes) Frank worked as a designer for a fashion house. |
时尚杂志,时装杂志noun (periodical about trendy clothing) |
时装模特noun (models designer clothes) |
时尚嗅觉,时尚品味,时尚感noun (instinct for what is stylish) She has an innate fashion sense that allows her to spot the latest trends. |
时装表演noun (event where models display clothes) |
赶时髦的 gǎn shí máo deadjective (enjoys trendy clothing) |
时尚前沿的, 前卫的adjective (most up to date) |
不再时髦,不再流行 bú zài shí máo,bú zài liú xíngverbal expression (be dated) (事物) Three-piece suits had gone out of fashion by the early 1990s. |
最新时尚 zuì xīn shí shàngnoun ([sth] popular) There was a time when mullets were the height of fashion. |
顶级新潮,风尚标 dǐng jí xīn cháo,fēng shàng biāonoun (designer clothing) The designer is one of the biggest names in high fashion. |
勉强地 miǎn qiǎng deadverb (so to speak, sort of) |
及时adverb (in reasonable amount of time) There is no deadline, but please return the book in a timely manner. |
流行的 liú xíng deadjective (fashionable) Trench coats are in fashion this season. |
当下最时髦的事物 dāng xià zuì shí máo de shì wùnoun ([sth] currently popular) Vitamin-enhanced water is the latest fashion in bottled beverages. |
过时地 guò shí deadverb (no longer popular) Bell bottom pants are out of fashion, skinny jeans are back in. |
过时的 guò shí deadjective (outmoded) Fat ties and wide lapels are so out of fashion! |
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英语来自迁移到英格兰的日耳曼部落,经过 1400 多年的演变。 英语是世界上第三大语言,仅次于汉语和西班牙语。 它是学得最多的第二语言,也是近60个主权国家的官方语言。 与母语人士相比,这种语言有更多的第二语言和外语使用者。 英语也是联合国、欧盟和许多其他国际和区域组织的共同官方语言。 如今,世界各地的英语使用者都可以相对轻松地进行交流。