英语 中的 matter 是什么意思?

英语 中的单词 matter 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 matter 的说明。

英语 中的matter 表示物质 wù zhì, 材料 cái liào, 问题 wèn tí, 事情 shì qíng, 事态 shì tài, 困扰的事 kùn rǎo de shì, 事情 shì qíng, 问题 wèn tí, 困难 kùn nán, 很重要, 有影响 yǒu yǐng xiǎng, 见仁见智的事情, 时间问题, 作为理所当然的事, 事实上 shì shí shàng, 原则上,从原则上说 yuán zé shàng, 黑人的命也是命, 黑人命也是命, 暗物质, 敏感问题 mǐn gǎn wèn tí, 不要紧 bú yào jǐn, 没关系 méi guān xì, 而且,再说,就那件事而论 ér qiě,zài shuō,jiù nà jiàn shì ér lùn, 灰白质,灰质, 头脑 tóu nǎo, ...的事, 就...而论, 无机物 wú jī wù, 这不重要 zhè bú zhòng yào, 生命物质 shēng mìng wù zhì, 不重要 bú zhòng yào, 关心的事 guān xīn de shì, 无可否认的事实 wú kě fǒu rèn de shì shí, 重大事务 zhòng dà shì wù, 不在乎的事 bú zài hu de shì, 法律问题 fǎ lǜ wèn tí, 生死攸关的问题 shēng sǐ yōu guān de wèn tí, 必须的东西 bì xū de dōng xī, 实事求是的 shí shì qiú shì de, 实事求是地,直截了当,讲求实际地 shí shì qiú shì de ,zhí jié liǎo dàng, 实事求是, 坦率, 小事儿 xiǎo shì ér, 金钱方面的问题 jīn qián fāng miàn de wèn tí, 不是开玩笑的事 bú shì kāi wán xiào de shì, 没关系,不要紧,没事 méi guān xì ,bú yào jǐn,méi shì, 不管,无论 bù guǎn,wú lùn, 不管怎样 bù guǎn zěn yàng, 不管 bù guǎn, 无论多么..., 不管什么 bù guǎn shén me, 无论 wú lùn, 无论何时 wú lùn hé shí, 不管何时 bù guǎn hé shí, 无论在哪里, 无论哪个 wú lùn nǎ gè, 不管是谁 bù guǎn shì shuí, 无关紧要 wú guān jǐn yào, 对…来说不重要 duì lái shuō bú zhòng yào, 有机物 yǒu jī wù, 颗粒物, 核心 hé xīn, 主题,主旨 zhǔ tí,zhǔ zhǐ, 主题 zhǔ tí, 现实 xiàn shí, 区区小事 qū qū xiǎo shì, 有什么关系呢? yǒu shén me guān xì ne ?, 出什么事了?, 白质。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。


单词 matter 的含义

物质 wù zhì

noun (substance, material) (物理)

The carbon matter combines with oxygen.

材料 cái liào

noun (type of material)

The paper is made of fibrous matter, either pulp or textile.

问题 wèn tí

noun (concern, issue)

Congress needs to deal with the matter of illegal immigration soon.

事情 shì qíng

noun (subject)

I really don't want to talk about that matter at the moment.

事态 shì tài

noun (situation)

I really don't want to get involved in this unfortunate matter.

困扰的事 kùn rǎo de shì

noun (informal (difficulty)

What's the matter? Do you need some help?

事情 shì qíng

noun (informal (difficulty faced by [sb])

What's the matter with Julie? She's been crying all morning.

问题 wèn tí

noun (informal (problem, fault)

I'm not sure what the matter is but my laptop won't connect to the internet.

困难 kùn nán

noun (informal (problem, fault with [sth])

What's the matter with your suitcase? Is the handle broken?


intransitive verb (be important)

If you want to impress an employer, qualifications matter.

有影响 yǒu yǐng xiǎng

verbal expression (be important to [sb])

I love Paul, and his happiness matters to me. // It doesn't matter to me if it's sunny or not; I still want to go to the beach.


noun (subjective, debatable)

Fashion is a matter of opinion.


noun ([sth] which will happen eventually)

They've been dating for 5 years, so it's only a matter of time before he proposes.


expression (as part of normal routine)

事实上 shì shí shàng

expression (in fact, on the contrary)

I'm not ignoring your brother; as a matter of fact, I invited him for dinner tonight.

原则上,从原则上说 yuán zé shàng

expression (on moral grounds)


noun (movement protesting anti-Black violence)


noun (initialism (Black Lives Matter)


(theoretical physics)

敏感问题 mǐn gǎn wèn tí

noun (sensitive subject)

Impotence is a delicate issue which most men find difficult to discuss.

不要紧 bú yào jǐn

interjection (it's not important)

"I didn't have time to call Peter." "Doesn't matter. I'll probably see him this evening anyway."

没关系 méi guān xì

interjection (it's not important)

"I forget to buy the milk." "It doesn't matter. I'll stop by the supermarket on the way back from work."

而且,再说,就那件事而论 ér qiě,zài shuō,jiù nà jiàn shì ér lùn

adverb (intensifier: what is more) (强调,增强语气)

I know she doesn't like his music - for that matter, neither do I.


noun (brain tissue) (大脑)

头脑 tóu nǎo

noun (figurative (brains, intelligence)


expression (within: minutes, days, weeks, etc.)


expression (formal (regarding)

无机物 wú jī wù

noun (substance not produced by living organisms)

The separator removes water, clay, and other inorganic matter from the oil.

这不重要 zhè bú zhòng yào

interjection (it is unimportant or irrelevant)

It doesn't matter what you say; I'm still going to do what I want.

生命物质 shēng mìng wù zhì

noun (organic material)

All living matter contains amino acids.

不重要 bú zhòng yào

verbal expression (be unimportant)

It matters little whether you come with me or not, I'm going anyway.

关心的事 guān xīn de shì

noun ([sth] worrying)

The meningitis outbreak is a matter of concern for health officials.

无可否认的事实 wú kě fǒu rèn de shì shí

noun (actual fact)

We're not dealing with matters of fact here, only wild opinions.

重大事务 zhòng dà shì wù

noun ([sth] significant)

I can't play with you now; I have matters of importance to deal with. I need to speak to the President now, it is a matter of great importance!

不在乎的事 bú zài hu de shì

noun ([sth] insignificant)

Roger mentioned that he had no religion, and that it was a matter of indifference to him.

法律问题 fǎ lǜ wèn tí

noun (legal issue)

The interpretation of a written contract is a matter of law to be determined by the court.

生死攸关的问题 shēng sǐ yōu guān de wèn tí

noun (issue of vital importance)

Getting out of a burning house fast is a matter of life and death.

必须的东西 bì xū de dōng xī

noun ([sth] essential)

You must tell your mother that you will not be home in time, it's a matter of necessity.

实事求是的 shí shì qiú shì de

adjective (practical, straightforward)

James spoke about what he had seen in a matter-of-fact manner.

实事求是地,直截了当,讲求实际地 shí shì qiú shì de ,zhí jié liǎo dàng

adverb (in a straightforward, practical way)

实事求是, 坦率

noun (straightforwardness)

小事儿 xiǎo shì ér

noun ([sth] trivial)

I was upset, but my mother told me not to get so worked up over a minor matter.

金钱方面的问题 jīn qián fāng miàn de wèn tí

plural noun (finances)

He lets his wife handle all the money matters, like paying the mortgage and the bills.

不是开玩笑的事 bú shì kāi wán xiào de shì

noun ([sth] serious)

Slipping on the ice is no laughing matter; you could break your neck.

没关系,不要紧,没事 méi guān xì ,bú yào jǐn,méi shì

expression (informal (it is not important) (非正式用语)

The concert's sold out? No matter. We'll go to the movies instead.

不管,无论 bù guǎn,wú lùn

expression (with noun: regardless of [sth])

You can cancel your appointment at any time, no matter the reason.

不管怎样 bù guǎn zěn yàng

expression (with clause: whichever way)

No matter how you go, you can't get there in less than an hour.

不管 bù guǎn

adverb (in whatever manner)

She's determined to become famous, no matter how!


expression (with adjective: to whatever degree)

She resists any change, no matter how small.

不管什么 bù guǎn shén me

adverb (whatever)

We need to get that money, no matter what!

无论 wú lùn

expression (with clause: regardless of [sth])

Jason is always cheerful, no matter what life hands him.

无论何时 wú lùn hé shí

adverb (at whatever time)

You can always phone me, no matter when.

不管何时 bù guǎn hé shí

expression (with clause: regardless of when)

No matter when I go, there always seems to be a long queue.


expression (with clause: regardless of where)

No matter where I go, I always carry a sketchbook and pen with me.

无论哪个 wú lùn nǎ gè

expression (with clause: whichever)

No matter which lighter you buy, they all burn gas. No matter which route we take, we will still be late.

不管是谁 bù guǎn shì shuí

expression (with clause: whoever)

No matter who says that the sky is green, they are still wrong.

无关紧要 wú guān jǐn yào

verbal expression (be unimportant)

It does not matter if you make a typing mistake; just back up and fix it. // Don't be upset about what happened; it doesn't matter.

对…来说不重要 duì lái shuō bú zhòng yào

transitive verb (be unimportant to)

It doesn't matter to me.

有机物 yǒu jī wù

noun (material from living thing)

I recycle organic matter to make garden compost. Decomposers, like maggots, eat dead organic matter.


noun (uncountable (particles in air) (悬浮在气体中)

核心 hé xīn

noun (figurative (most essential part)

Stop prevaricating and get to the quick of the matter.

主题,主旨 zhǔ tí,zhǔ zhǐ

noun (theme or topic of discussion) (讨论)

The subject matter of today's lecture is water pollution.

主题 zhǔ tí

noun (object of study) (研究)

This painter chooses unconventional subject matter, such as litter on the sidewalk.

现实 xiàn shí

noun (facts, reality)

区区小事 qū qū xiǎo shì

noun ([sth] insignificant)

Some people get very upset over the most trivial matters.

有什么关系呢? yǒu shén me guān xì ne ?

interjection (I don't care)

So you're earning more than me – what does it matter?


expression (What is wrong?)


noun (uncountable (nerve tissue) (神经组织)

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英语来自迁移到英格兰的日耳曼部落,经过 1400 多年的演变。 英语是世界上第三大语言,仅次于汉语和西班牙语。 它是学得最多的第二语言,也是近60个主权国家的官方语言。 与母语人士相比,这种语言有更多的第二语言和外语使用者。 英语也是联合国、欧盟和许多其他国际和区域组织的共同官方语言。 如今,世界各地的英语使用者都可以相对轻松地进行交流。